
[VIDEO] Pieces Of Zinc Seen In Sky As Tornado Hits Klang

A mini tornado has hit Klang on 21 October 2014. Here's what you need to know.

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On 21 October 2014, YouTube user "penembak tepat" uploaded a video entitled "Ribut Puting Beliung Melanda Klang"

Image via YouTube

The 46-second long video apparently showcased a mini tornado ripping through zinc roofs in Pandamaran, Klang

Image via YouTube

Watch the video HERE:

Similar sightings have also been captured on video and was posted on social media sites

The SAYS Team Is Currently Sourcing Verified Information To Give You The Full Story. More To Come.

If you have any videos or photos to share about this incident, email us at [email protected] or drop us a message on Facebook or Twitter

Stormy weather has been hitting the Malaysia lately. Read about it HERE:

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