
Bad Circumstances Didn't Stop These Malaysians From Joining #Bersih5

Look at their smiles. :)

Cover image via Twitter

The fifth instalment of the Bersih rally today, 19 November, has seen thousands of yellow-clad Malaysians marching in KL to demand for free and fair elections

The mass demonstration in the capital city saw many Malaysians that came in from all over the country

Image via SAYS

Among these people are Malaysians who may not be in the perfect physical condition

Image via @EmerlynneGil

But they did not let their circumstances hamper their enthusiasm for the rally

Image via @MiraaMelB

Even when they are bounded to a wheelchair, they still made their way to protest alongside their comrades

Image via Roketkini

Like this man here who had an accident three days ago, but still shows up for #Bersih5 with the help of his friends!

Image via SAYS

Because at the end of the day, they truly believe in what they are fighting for

Image via @xandriaooi

Get all your latest LIVE updates on Bersih 5 rally from SAYS.

Image via SAYS

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