Girl Who Tries To Help Her Dad Gets Condemned For Posting In English Instead
On 28 September, Khairunhanisah Azlan Hanif posted a notice on Facebook asking for help on behalf of her father. Instead, she was criticised for using a language apart from her mother tongue.
Heartbreak Dan 19 Lagi Perkataan Inggeris Yang Jadi Kelakar Bila Buat 'Direct Translation'
Sebenarnya, perkataan-perkataan di bawah semua ini mempunyai maksud yang jauh menyimpang daripada apa yang anda akan lihat. Jadi enjoy!
"Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo" Is Correct. But How?!
Not only is the sentence 100% grammatically correct, it actually has meaning! This week on #WTFWednesday, we're going to try our hand at being English teachers. ;)
SAYS EXCLUSIVE: The Hard Work And Dedication Of English School Teachers No One Talks About
SAYS' Mei Mei Chu talks to the British Council about their collaboration with the Ministry of Education to upgrade the standards of Malaysian English school teachers.
Soon, Students Must Pass Their English Exams To Graduate From Public Universities
A new policy to be implemented will soon see English as a compulsory passing subject in Malaysian public universities.
[VIDEO] Lonely, Elderly Americans Help Young Brazilians Learn English
The subject of our weekly column FEEL GOOD FRIDAY is a heartwarming video story about how technology was used to not just make kids able to learn English but also fill the void in the lives of lonely, elderly Americans living in retirement homes in single attempt.
"When 'Sejarah' Is Not Compulsory, Many Students Don't Even Want To Know Malaysia's Past."
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". SPM students will have to remember this quote as those who cannot pass the 'Sejarah' subject, must retake the paper.
This Report Says Malaysia Has Better English Than Singapore And ...
Phua Chu Kang might not be so happy with the findings of this English Proficiency Index, but the 'Ah Bengs' here would rejoice!
Have You Been Pronouncing These Food Names Wrongly? Oh, YES, You Have!
Have you ever quietly mumbled the name of your desired delicacy when ordering at a restaurant, simply because you weren't sure of its pronunciation? It's okay if you have because we've all been there. But not anymore. Check out the correct way to say these commonly mispronounced foods!
There Is No Such Thing As "Samurais"
Did you know that there is no such word as "medias"? Have you been getting your plurals right? Check out the plurals for each of the words below!
Results for #english