[FACT OR FAKE #102] It's Actually Okay For Women To Exercise/Work Hard During Pregnancy
Is it important to exercise while pregnant? Or should pregnant women rest more?
[FACT OR FAKE #4] Shark Fin Is Good For You
Today is World Ocean Day, so its only apt that we talk a little bit about the most majestic sea animal, the shark. Shark fin costs a bomb in the restaurant, and the general perception is that it is good for our health. But how true is that?
[FACT OR FAKE #8] Will This FB Post Help You Lose 9kg of Belly Fat?
This suggested post "Diet Tips: Shed 9kg Fast" on Facebook has been spotted frequently, which got us thinking - is it possible to lose belly fat using miracle pills?
[FACT OR FAKE #18] Using Petrol With Higher RON Will Increase the Performance of My Car
Does it? We have put together this weeks's fact or fake story with videos, pictures and sources about whether or not it does. Let's get to the bottom of the truth.
[FACT OR FAKE #20] Does Food Really Go Bad On Expiry Date?
Do food really go bad when it hits the expiration date? Read the truth about these "Best Before" dates.
[FACT OR FAKE #101] Juice Contains Maximum Vitamins And Is Healthier Than Whole Fruits
Or is eating whole fruits more beneficial? What's the truth?
[FACT OR FAKE #100] Drinking Cold Water After A Meal Is Bad For Your Health
It's been claimed, time and again, that drinking cold water after a meal is bad for health. The claims are so widespread that they are prominent both on and off the Internet. We decided to pick up the topic to mark the 100th feature of our FACT OR FAKE column, to see how much of it all is actually supported by actual scientific research.
[FACT OR FAKE #99] Is It Actually Possible To Charge Your Phone With A Watermelon?
When you Google "charge your iPhone with a watermelon", it gives you over 1,12,000 search results, with the first page filled with sources claiming how you can do it. So we decided to dig deeper and analysis these claims in our FACT OR FAKE column this week.
[FACT OR FAKE #98] Can Tornadoes Happen Underwater Or Suck Up Rainbows?
Earlier this week, couple of incredible tornado photos made rounds of the Internet, each claiming, separately, that tornadoes happen underwater and that they also suck up rainbows. So are they claiming the truth? Your loyal FACT OR FAKE columnist is here to analysis the claims!
[FACT OR FAKE #97] Has Instagram Banned The Phrase "I'm A Born-Again Follower Of Jesus"?
There was an uproar of sort in February when Instagram users discovered that Instagram had blocked them from posting the phrase "I am a born-again follower of Jesus." SAYS FACT OR FAKE columnist takes a look at what really happened there.
[FACT OR FAKE #96] Does This 'One Weird Trick' Really Reveal Your Phone's Name?
Facebook users are excitedly passing around word of a bizarre, hidden feature that claims to reveal the name of your phone. It's an old message that keeps circulating. We at SAYS decided to put an end to it by running it through our FACT OR FAKE analysis.
[FACT OR FAKE #95] Is This 'Rare' Photo Of An All-Black Lion Real?
Circulating via social media, this viral image supposedly documents the existence of a melanistic (black) lion on a game refuge in Africa. But is this photo real? SAYS' Fact or Fake columnist Sadho sheds some light to see through the blackness!
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