[VIDEO] Man Bids Goodbye To Stray Dog He Cared For As A Puppy Before Moving Away
He assured concerned netizens that Gendut will be taken care of by his former neighbours.
[VIDEO] Singaporean Man Bids Tearful Goodbye To His Honda Civic Before It Gets Scrapped
"That's the reality of owning a car in Singapore," said the man's wife.
This School Threw Their Principal A Holiday-Themed Farewell Party For Her Retirement
The teachers even dressed up as flight attendants to join in the fun.
This Popular Ampang Yong Tau Foo Eatery Is Closing Down After Half A Century
The eatery's last day of business will be 8 February.
[VIDEO] "Thank You Uncle Kittu" - Majlis Perpisahan Untuk Pak Guard Ini Buat Ramai Sebak
Selamat bertugas di tempat baharu Uncle Kittu.
Netizen Sedih Lepas Jenama Kosmetik Tempatan BeauTyra Ucap Selamat Tinggal Buat Pelanggan
BeauTyra mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan memulakan perjalanan transformasi dan tidak akan lagi menjual produk alat solek ikoniknya.
Netizens Are Sad After Local Makeup Brand BeauTyra Bids Farewell To Long-Time Supporters
BeauTyra announced that it will embark on a transformational journey and will no longer sell its iconic makeup products.
"Abah Minta Maaf, Jaga Diri" - Perak COVID-19 Victim Leaves Behind Farewell Note To Family
"He wrote the notes before he was sedated," his daughter said.
You'll Wish Your Last Work Day Was As Extra As The Farewell For This Apple S'pore Employee
Nothing says 'we appreciate you' like a grand stairway exit!
Results for #farewell