Ladies, Jangan Ambil Mudah Jika ‘Period Cycle’ Tak Teratur. Anda Mungkin Ada Penyakit Ini
Penyakit ini merupakan Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
'Big Aunty' And 11 Other Names Malaysian Girls Have For Their Periods
Eating Dark Chocolate And More Quick Hacks To Conquer Period Cramps At Work
Stopping cramps are easier than you think
This Australian Guy Needed An Excuse To Skip Exams, So He Chose To Have “Period Pain”
"Male periods" are real now?
Why This 15-Year-Old Is Calling On Teen Boys To Bring Pads And Tampons To School
He may be just a high school student, but Jose Garcia is displaying way more understanding of women than most when it comes to dealing with periods and the unfortunate stigma surrounding it.
[FACT OR FAKE #52] Can A Woman Get Pregnant During Her Period?
Myths about periods and the menstrual cycle have been around as long as women have been menstruating. One such belief is about women not getting pregnant during their period. So, can a woman get pregnant during her period?
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