[VIDEO] What Could Happen If Your Flappy Bird Score Reached 999
What if this doctored video were to come true for you?
Is a score that high even humanly possible? Past 900, the green pipes group together and move around in a zigzag pattern
Don't get overly excited. What happens in the video is NOT the absolute truth. It's conceptual and doctored by video trickster, Filipe Costa.
The video is obviously but wonderfully doctored by the guys at pipocaVFX but it's pretty perfect.
With over 38,000 Youtube subscribers, Filipe Costa or PipocaVFX, is known for many video projects, like this famous first person view of classic video games:
Filipe isn't the only person who has wished for evil to fall upon that thick-lipped bird
"I really hope Flappy Bird II includes Mario as a new surprise enemy," says Jesus Diaz, Gizmodo
Image via gawkerassets.com