
Instagram Rolls Out New Features: 20 Photos Or Videos In A Single Post & Story Comments

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Cover image via @oncescuradu/Threads & @instagram (X)

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Instagram now lets users upload up to 20 photos or videos in a single carousel post, doubling the previous limit of 10

If you've ever struggled to pick your favourite shots to share, this update means you can now upload an entire album of 20 in one go.

This is perfect for those wanting to share more content at once, whether it's for personal updates, storytelling, or promotions.

Image via GSMArena

Previously, users were limited to 10 images or videos in a post, often referred to as 'photo dumps'

The carousel feature, introduced in 2017, has since added updates like pairing music with slides and collaborative posts with other users.

This new 20-post limit brings Instagram closer to TikTok, where users can post up to 35 photos.

Another recent addition is Story Comments.

Now, mutual connections can leave comments on Instagram Stories, which are visible to other followers.

For private accounts, only people you follow back can comment, while for public accounts, anyone you follow can leave a comment.

Image via @instagram (X)

Like Stories themselves, these comments disappear after 24 hours, but users can toggle comments on or off for any Story and save them by adding the Story to their Highlights.

For more details, check out this video explaining how it all works!

The app has been testing non-skippable ads:

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