
Samsung Teams Up With Dr Mazlan To Provide Quality Education To Underprivileged Kids

"I may be Malaysia's first astrophysicist, but I know when I look at schools now, there will be one in every class!"

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Samsung.

Samsung Smart School is an initiative to nurture young talent through digital education

The initiative has supported over 3,000 schools around the world, providing a fun, interactive learning environment for more than 1.4 million children. Focusing on low income communities, Samsung is committed to improving the use of IT technology in education, providing access to smarter learning environments.

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In collaboration with Samsung Smart School, Malaysia's first astrophysicist, Datuk Dr. Mazlan Othman, is sharing her story

Dr Mazlan is the first woman to earn a PhD in physics at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Since then she worked in Malaysia as the nation's first astrophysicist.

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Following her appointment as Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs in Vienna in 1999, she returned to Malaysia in 2002 to serve for five years as the founding Director General of Angkasa, the Malaysian National Space Agency. Her work led to the launch of the first Malaysian astronaut, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.

Watch her inspiring story about how she "broke the rules" here:

Even though she's broken boundaries through her research and work, Dr Mazlan believes that kids will one day discover bigger things and do more than she ever could

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To make this a reality, Samsung Smart School is providing digital education solutions to make learning exciting for kids, as well as giving teachers an efficient way to reach these young minds

Check out some of the benefits of this innovative, interactive classroom:

  • Closing the gap between underserved communities so the new generation grows up tech-savvy
  • Real-time sharing through tablets and PCs enable open communications and engaging learning environments
  • Team activities, group assignments, and group discussions are supported seamlessly via tablets, helping create a spirit of teamwork among students
  • Students can download the curriculum, textbooks and various materials (documents, photos, voice, recordings, videos, apps) for each course, which ultimately helps improve learning efficiency

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Watch more inspiring stories from amazing Malaysians and learn about the Samsung Smart School here

Read more from Samsung's #DoWhatYouCan't Campaign with Julian Yee:

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