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Chinese Superstar Fan Bingbing Arrives In Melaka & Dons Nyonya Kebaya In Photos With Fans

She begins her duties as Melaka's international tourism ambassador today, 14 June.

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Chinese superstar Fan Bingbing has arrived in Melaka!

It was recently announced by the Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh that the actress has been appointed as the state's international tourism ambassador for 2024.

The chief minister greeted the Chinese celebrity in his office and presented her with the honour today, 14 June.

"With over 65 million followers on various social media platforms, the Melaka state government is confident of Fan Bingbing as the Melaka Tourism Ambassador of 2024," Ab Rauf said in a statement on Facebook.

"This is a strategic step to increase the momentum of Melaka's promotion to the international scene," he added.

Image via Ab Rauf Yusoh (Facebook)

The celebrity was then taken around the historic city, and had a photo session with fans around the famed Stadthuys buildings

The actress is said to be in Melaka until 16 June to experience the charm of the city and meet more fans

According to Tourism Melaka, these are her official meet-and-greet sessions and locations:

Date: 14 June 2024 (Friday)
Time: 11am
Venue: Platform Tinjau Stadthuys, Banda Hilir, Melaka

Date: 15 June 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Encore Melaka

Here's how to rent a nyonya kebaya while walking around in Melaka too:

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