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Siblings Make PowerPoint Presentation To Convince Parents To Adopt A Puppy & It Worked

How to convince your parents 101.

Cover image via @shiffythecow (TikTok)

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When it comes to children seeking things from their parents, never underestimate the lengths kids will go to in order to get what they want — and sometimes, it's in the most entertaining ways

Singaporean TikToker Shiffy recently posted a clip displaying how she and her brother tried to convince their parents to get them a dog. 

In the 50-second clip, Shiffy showed how she created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to explain to her parents why they should adopt a dog. Going the extra mile, Shiffy also placed two stuffed dog plushies on each side of the living room's television cabinet to act as a "subliminal message" when carrying out her presentation.

Among some of the slides Shiffy created included how the new puppy would make her grandmother smile, why her brother will take care of the dog, and an organisational chart for how the dog will be cared for.

"He's going to be here till he's 30 and will be soooo sad without a dog," captioned one of the slides in the presentation, alongside a photo of Shiffy's brother.

Screen grabs from the TikTok.

Image via @shiffythecow (TikTok)

At about the halfway point of the TikTok, Shiffy then turned the presentation over to her brother, Viishnu, to continue speaking to her parents

For his segment of the presentation, Shiffy's brother spoke about the power of adoption when it comes to dogs, the benefits of having a puppy, and the concerns their parents may have before adopting the dogs.

He even told his parents about some of the puppies he and Shiffy were considering adopting.

The clip ends with the duo's parents asking them questions on the potential of getting a puppy and Shiffy revealing that the presentation was a success when convincing their father, but not their mother as of yet.

Shiffy's brother continuing the presentation.

Image via @shiffythecow (TikTok)

The clip has received about two million views and over 200,000 likes on TikTok at the time of writing

Many people took to the comments section and revealed that they have done similar things to get other items from their parents, from cars to plushies, and even being allowed to make a TikTok account.

One user revealed how they got not just one, but two dogs after doing a similar presentation for their parents.

"Love that this is a universal experience!" wrote one user.

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Others even asked Shiffy to share notes with them on how to create a similar presentation, while another expressed their intention to make the same thing.

One user light-heartedly stated how Shiffy's brother looked as though he was giving a TED Talk for his portion of the presentation.

"Brother looks like the parents' favourite child," jokingly wrote one user, with Shiffy replying to the comment saying that it was true.

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Others even praised the duo for going to such lengths to potentially get a dog, with one commenter saying that if her kids made a similar presentation, she'd probably say yes to the request

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

All in all, one of the funniest responses came from the official TikTok page of Microsoft 365, that said PowerPoint Presentations work like a charm every time.

Image via TikTok

In a brief conversation with SAYS, Shiffy revealed that the PowerPoint presentation did work!

She and her family have officially adopted a puppy and named him Prince.

Detailing the series of events that lead to his adoption in a subsequent TikTok, Shiffy said they adopted one of the puppies that appeared in their PowerPoint presentation.

According to Shiffy, Prince, whose original name was Archie, was discovered in a drain alongside his five siblings. Having been saved by the Singaporean animal shelter, Purely Adopts, she discovered Archie on the shelter's Instagram page.

Shiffy also stated that her family decided to change the pup's name to Prince as her grandmother's nickname is Archie. Taking his time to get used to their home, Prince has made tonnes of progress living with Shiffy and her family.

Check out how Prince's first few days after being adopted were:

We hope you enjoy your new home, Prince! And to all the dog lovers out there, remember to adopt, don't shop.

Watch the full TikTok on Shiffy's presentation below:

If you're thinking of adopting a dog, this Malaysian created the biggest pet adoption portal in the nation:

Here in Malaysia, locals were impressed by this mamak that used PowerPoint Presentation to curate their menu boards:

Dogs just make the world a better place. Check out some other cute stories on these fluffy creatures:

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