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Malaysians Share Their Most Awkward & Horrible Online Dating Experiences

"He said Malaysian food sucks. So I made him get out of the car."

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Disclaimer: Some names have been changed for privacy purposes.

Online dating is not totally unheard of in today's day and age, especially in a pandemic when it's a lot trickier to meet new people

But with anything 'new', there'll come success stories, as well as valuable lessons learnt. 

Image via Jim Malo

We asked several Malaysians to share some of their most awkward and/or horrific online dating experiences:

"He got really upset and started raising his voice when I didn't talk dirty with him"

"We were texting. It was all fun then it started getting personal. We started talking about our sexual preferences. Then he wanted more and insisted on calling. I rejected the call several times. Until he started to beg me to just answer the call. 'Trust me,' he said, then kept on saying, 'Please'.

"When he called again, I answered and he wanted to talk dirty. I was like, 'Uh no, I'm not doing this'.

"Then he got really upset and started raising his voice and kept sighing. I was like, 'WTF is going on?' and hung up." — Louisa, 29

"I accidentally matched with a woman who hit my car"

"I once swiped right on this Korean woman who I thought was super pretty, and according to her bio we actually had a lot in common too. So a few hours later, I checked Bumble again — lo and behold, we matched!

"After looking at her photos once more, I was wondering why she looked so familiar. Then I remembered I got T-boned by a Korean woman while I was out driving late last year. She had run a red light. And then a sudden realisation came to me — this Korean woman I had matched with is actually the same one that hit me. HAHAHA.

"The reason I didn't recognise her when I swiped right was because I had forgotten that she had also given me her 'English' name (in addition to her Korean name) when we exchanged details at the time of the accident. On Bumble, she only used her English name. I looked back in my contact list, and yep, it's her. HAHA. She didn't start any conversation and the match expired. So I guess, crisis averted? HAHAHA." — Danial, 28

Image via Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

"He said that Malaysian food sucks"

"I was driving home this guy after a really sh*tty date and he said that Malaysian food sucks. So I made him get out of the car. We were in Bukit Bintang so it's not like he was stranded." *shrugs* — Zoé, 27

Image via GIPHY

"He told me he loved me... on our first date"

"So I met this dude from Tinder after talking for awhile and we met up. The date went really well but when he dropped me home, he told me that he loved me. I just kept walking like I didn't hear him because like WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? HOW DO I RESPOND???

"We did meet a few times after that because I thought, 'Eh just give chance lah, maybe he was just out of it the last time'. But bro, this fella damn clingy s*al and I would make it clear to him I'm taking it slow, but he just kept on with the lovey dovey sh*t.

"After that I knew I cannot tahan dy. I didn't wanna lead him on and stuff, so I said I don't wanna continue lah (mind you we only met like three times). But when I told him this, he begged me to stay and kept telling me that he can see himself marrying me, etc like BRO PLS I TOLD U DY but mans really made it seem like I was murdering him when I always made it clear FROM THE START that I wasn't gonna simply jump into anything.

"In the end, I had to block him 'cause he wouldn't leave me alone and would text me 'as a friend' but sorry I cannot. He then texted my best friend on IG asking if my number changed 'cause he couldn't text me anymore and she was like, 'uhhh yep'.

"And he asked for it but she just didn't reply. I unfollowed him on my socials and blocked him but he would still text my friend asking about me. She blocked him.

"So yes. Never again." — Yana, 24

Image via Pratik Gupta/Unsplash

"He admitted that he was a sex addict, preached religion to me, and forced me to eat"

"I matched with this guy and he found out that I was out of town, then insisted to come meet me in another state. I said 'No', and he would often call way too early in the morning or late at night.

"He became sensitive 'cause I didn't find him the moment I got back to town. Then he told me he was an addict, but didn't quite say what. He also had a completely different name than his profile. I ended up meeting him (out of pity), and he cut me off each chance he got. He admitted that he was a sex addict, preached religion to me, and forced me to eat (ordered food when I didn't want any).

"After the date ended, he persistently called/texted. When I told him nicely that I'm not interested, he said okay. But months later, he kinda stalked my IG and dating profile and I had to block him. Too creepy." — Alyssa

"He sent me a d*ck pic while he was taking a sh*t on the toilet... WTF." — Annemarie, 33

Image via GIPHY

"There was so much blood and it didn't stop... Ended up getting 10 stitches while the girl sat outside in her car"

"This happened on 18 December 2020. I was meeting a Bumble match. She picked me up from my place, we then went to get drinks and pizza, and headed over to her place above Amcorp Mall. She asked me to take a seat, and she put something on Netflix and sat down on the sofa I was sitting on. While doing so, she sort of bumped her leg against the glass table that was in front of the sofa. I tried to take a look at it and in doing so, scratched my foot against the edge of the table.

"Before I knew it, a piece of the glass table broke and out came a fountain of blood. There was so much blood and it didn't stop, that it made the girl panic. I had to calm her down while trying to prevent further blood loss! Nothing helped though.

"After a couple of minutes passed and when the blood still didn't stop, I sort of got scared that there might be some arterial damage. So I asked her if she is in the condition to drive me to any nearby clinic. Still panicky, but she managed to drive. But as luck would have it, the clinics around her neighbourhood were all closed. After a bit of Googling, we found one in Sea Park, so she drove there.

"Thankfully, the doctor at the clinic said that while the cut was bad, it didn't hit an artery. I ended up getting 10 stitches while the girl sat outside in her car. Later, we went over to her place again as I had forgotten my stuff there. After that, I booked a Grab and went home. I assured the girl that she didn't need to worry about anything. That was it." — Sads, 35

Image via Sads (Provided to SAYS)

"When I rejected him, he got really mad and called me a b*tch"

"I went on a date with the guy, I personally did not enjoy the date but he did I guess 'cause a few days later he sent a teddy bear and flowers to my office (I was only an intern back then) and said he wanted to marry me.

"Then he went on about how he wanted to start a family ASAP and that we can move back to NZ if I want an NZ passport. So when I rejected him, he got really mad and called me a b*tch. A few months later, I bumped into him at a mall with another girl. Awkward." — Farah, 30

"He asked me to get a box of condoms on the way." — Jess, 31

Image via GIPHY

"He always wanted to know what I was doing, where I went, and who I hung out with. He also looked different in real life."

"After the first date, the guy – let's call him Mr Z – started treating me like I was his girlfriend and called me 'sayang' without even asking if I was okay with it. And when I didn't reply to his messages on time, he'd continuously text me until I replied. He always wanted to know what I was doing, where I went, and who I hung out with. He also looked different in real life.

"Turns out on Tinder he used his old photos when he wasn't too chubby. Not that I minded 'cause I'm not slim also, but I just felt cheated. Like why did you deceive me, bro? He also bragged about being a DJ in Zouk but I knew he was lying 'cause last time I went to Zouk pretty often and never saw him spin. I guess he said that to impress me. Haha. — Sera, 29

Read part two here:

Not all online dates have turned sour. Check out these three love stories that have come out of using Tinder:

Who pays on a first date and why? We recently asked Malaysians to share their thoughts on this too:

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