
Want To Study Accounting? Here's Why Taylor's College's ACCA Programme Is A Good Choice

They offer various study options, including full-time, part-time, and intensive revision workshops.

Cover image via Taylor's College (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Taylor's College.

If you're passionate about accounting, you know the thrill of balancing books and unravelling financial mysteries

Accounting isn't just about numbers — it's about understanding and analysing the financial heartbeat of businesses.

If you're aspiring to dive into this dynamic field, you've probably heard of the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) qualification. It's a globally recognised credential that opens doors to diverse career opportunities in finance and management accounting.

Many think that the ACCA qualification is too challenging, or it's only for those who want to become auditors. But that's far from the truth. The ACCA qualification is comprehensive and versatile, equipping you with skills that are relevant across various industries. It's not just about auditing; it covers a broad spectrum of financial and management accounting topics, fostering skills that are crucial for business leadership roles.

Taylor's College understands that choosing a focus in accounting can feel overwhelming, which is why their ACCA programme is designed to make the process easier and more engaging

Taylor's College curriculum opens doors to the most exciting and sought-after roles in accounting, business, and finance across the globe, equipping you with practical skills in accountancy, finance, and more.

One of the standout features of the ACCA programme at Taylor's College is its flexibility. Whether you're a full-time student or balancing work and studies, their programme is designed to accommodate your schedule. They offer two intake periods a year, including the upcoming July intake.

That's not all. At Taylor's College, you'll also enjoy a holistic student experience, making the ACCA programme even more enriching.

Their vibrant campus environment is home to a myriad of extracurricular activities, ensuring a well-rounded educational journey. With class sizes for ACCA capped at around 10 students, they encourage discussions, peer learning, and personalised guidance from Taylor's College's experienced lecturers. This intimate setting will ensure that every student is engaged and well-supported.

Natalie Wong Hwei Ming, an ACCA scholar from Taylor's College, said: "I absolutely love the X-space classrooms which are assigned to ACCA students for lectures and tutorial sessions as the classroom setting was group discussion friendly."

Their educators are always available to offer extra consultation sessions, clarifying any questions you may have. They also provide comprehensive study materials tailored to ACCA students' needs, ensuring you're well-prepared for your exams and future careers.

Their curriculum is infused with meaning and purpose, equipping you with the knowledge, skills, experience, and values needed to be industry-ready.

If you're in need of financial aid, Taylor's College offers various scholarships for ACCA students

Full-time students can apply for two types of scholarships — Taylor's College ACCA Scholarship and Taylor's Young Accountant Scholarship. The ACCA Scholarship offers up to a 100% tuition fee waiver and free book resources. And with the Young Accountant Scholarship, you can receive a 100% tuition fee waiver.

These scholarships are designed to support and motivate aspiring accountants, reducing the financial burden and allowing you to focus on your studies.

Speaking to SAYS, Muhammad Aidil Iqbal Bin Mohd Ridzuan, an ACCA scholar, expressed his gratitude to Taylor's for providing him with a 100% fee waiver, giving him the financial aid he needed.

"Without the scholarship, I couldn't have continued my higher education due to financial struggle. I am really appreciative of Taylor's for giving me this opportunity to pursue my education," he said.

Beyond accounting, Taylor's College provides exposure to entrepreneurship through their BizPod startup incubator

This supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem is led by experienced lecturers and entrepreneurs who guide students from ideation to the launch of their startups. ACCA students get to develop business skills beyond accounting, expanding their career options.

BizPod offers comprehensive training programmes, collaborations with local and international partners, one-on-one mentorship sessions, and opportunities to work with venture capitalists. Students can even access up to RM50,000 in funding for excelling in competitions or grant programmes.

Ready to start your ACCA journey with Taylor's College? Visit their website to learn more about their ACCA programme and scholarship opportunities.

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