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New All-Party Parliamentary Group Established To Promote Racial And Religious Harmony

The group is a new bipartisan parliamentary group formed to address issues related to racial and religious harmony.

Cover image via New Straits Times

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The All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Racial and Religious Harmony (APPGM-RRH) was officially approved on 28 January

The group consists of eight members of the Dewan Rakyat and one member of the Dewan Negara.

APPGM-RRH was established as a discussion platform to identify and propose systemic, legislative, and awareness-based solutions to issues related to racial and religious harmony in Malaysia.

"The group will serve as a forum to consolidate collective perspectives from members of parliament (MP), senators, civil society, and experts in relevant fields," read its statement to SAYS.

APPGM-RRH's key objectives include:
– Exploration of legislative, policy, and grassroot proposals in support of efforts to foster racial and religious harmony at the national level
– Act as a primary platform to promote dialogue and discussions on racial and religious harmony for all stakeholders
– Develop advocacy and educational initiatives that unite communities of diverse races and religions
– Provide feedback and recommendations to relevant ministries to foster sustainable
harmony among racial and religious groups in Malaysia

Image via Bernama via FMT

The APPGM-RRH is supported by the Architects of Diversity Malaysia (AOD) as its Secretariat, along with four academic experts serving as advisors

Its members include:
– Chairperson: Syahredzan Johan (Bangi MP)
– Deputy Chairperson 1: Senator Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa
– Deputy Chairperson 2: Dr Hajah Halimah Ali (Kapar MP)
– Secretary: Yuneswaran Ramaraj (Segamat MP)
– Treasurer: Riduan Rubin (Tenom MP)
– Datuk Sri Doris Sophia Anak Brodi (Sri Aman MP)
– Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (Muar MP)
– Haji Suhaizan Kaiat (Pulai MP)
– Lee Chean Chung (Petaling Jaya MP)

The group hopes to receive support from the prime minister, parliament, and all political parties in Malaysia to achieve its objectives and foster a more harmonious society.

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