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Boss Cancels Company's Annual Dinner & Gifts Employees RM1,500 Each Instead

"I think it's a good thing to slowly turn the company into something the employees like," he said.

Cover image via 楠哥哥 (Facebook) Freepik

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A Taiwanese boss has earned praise for cancelling his company's annual dinner and gifting each of his employees ang pows instead

In a Facebook post, the business owner, Big Brother Nan (楠哥哥), said he wanted to not only boost his employees' morale, but also create a better work environment.

"From this year onwards, I've decided to cancel the company's year-end dinner and spring banquet because all the employees said that eating with the suppliers was too much pressure," he wrote.

Image via 楠哥哥 (Facebook)

Nan also said some employees do not enjoy the company dinners because not everyone will win a prize during the lucky draws

"So, I've decided to cancel the year-end dinner and [use the budget] to give each employee NTD10,000 (approximately RM1,500) instead," he announced.

"I think it's a good thing to slowly turn the company into something the employees like," he added.

Nan shared a photo of himself distributing the money in the form of ang pows at the office, much to the excitement of his happy-looking employees.

The employer added a disclaimer, saying he will continue holding monthly staff gatherings to maintain morale.

Nan's Facebook post has garnered over 100,000 reactions and 2,500 comments from netizens, who praised him for his thoughtful gesture

"It's always more practical to give cash. What a great idea. Well done, brother!" said a Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

"'Slowly turning the company into a place the employees like.' Now that's a saying from a good boss. I'm envious," said another.

Image via Facebook

"I can tell from the photo that everyone is so happy. It's so good to have a good boss," said another netizen.

Image via Facebook

Last year, an Indian employee won a jaw-dropping RM64,000 prize at his Singaporean workplace's annual dinner:

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