There Is No Longer A Limit On How Dark You Can Tint Your Car's Rear And Passenger Windows
However, the regulation is still 70% and 50% visible light transmission (VLT) for front windshield and side windows.
Transport Minister Anthony Loke announced today, 7 May, that private car owners can now have their rear and passenger windows fully tinted black
New Straits Times reported that the Road Transport Department (RTD) will now allow private vehicles to have zero visible light transmission (VLT) on its rear side and rear windshield windows.
"There have been so many requests since I took office as minister to review the current regulations for vehicle window tinting.
"After many discussions and meetings, we have decided that private car owners would now be able to decide the tint level for their vehicles as now there is no limitation," Loke said, adding that the directive will also apply to e-hailing vehicles.
Previously, it had to allow 30% visible light through.
However, front windshields and front side windows still retain their limitations, which should allow 70% and 50% VLT respectively
Loke explained that private vehicle owners can apply with RTD to have darker tints fitted for the front windshield and windows.
A fee of RM50 will be charged for application of these permits. Upon approval of the permit, vehicle owners will need to pay RM5,000 every two years, though no charges will be imposed upon approvals based on health reasons.
Image via New Straits Times
The committee that approves such applications will be chaired by RTD director-general Datuk Seri Shaharuddin Khalid.
"Once the application is received, it will have to go through a strict vetting process by police for criminal records and pending summonses. If the applicants have any criminal record, the application will be rejected, while summonses must be cleared before approval is given," Loke explained.
The new regulation comes into effect tomorrow, 8 May
Image via JPJ Malaysia
According to The Star, however, RTD enforcement officers will only begin checks on vehicles under the new regulations in August.
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in a RM300 fine.
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