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Dog Found Dead Near UM Is Believed To Have Been Hit By A Car, Not Killed With Sharp Object

Animal activist Shima Aris urged the public not to link the dog's death to the alleged serial cat killings at Universiti Malaya.

Cover image via @shimaaris (Instagram)

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Animal activist Shima Aris has clarified that the dead dog discovered near the Universiti Malaya (UM) campus is believed to have been hit by a vehicle, not killed by a sharp object

In a series of Instagram Stories posted yesterday, 26 December, Shima said she visited the scene where the dog was found.

"The poor black pup's body was found outside the campus. It was dead last morning (24 December). It was hit by a car. A pedestrian saw the accident and moved the body to the side of the road.

"The poor pup's face and head were shattered.... intestines and organs were ripped off by other wild animals," the animal activist explained.

Image via @shimaaris (Instagram)

Shima urged other animal activists and the public not to link the dog's death to the alleged serial cat killings at UM

She added that the dog's body was buried with the help of other animal lovers.

Below is a video of Kolej Kediaman Kesembilan president Akil Shamil addressing the issue and clarifying that the dog did not sustain any cut wounds:

At least six cats were found dead at UM in recent weeks, raising concerns that the person behind the alleged killings could escalate to more severe crimes

Initially, the police concluded that dog attacks killed the cats, citing CCTV footage.

However, Shima revealed that an autopsy conducted at a private veterinary clinic showed one of the dead cats sustained lesions "highly likely to have been caused by sharp equipment".

The animal activist accused UM of complicating the ongoing investigation by burying some of the dead cats, urging the police and the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to continue their investigation.

Learn more about the case here:

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