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It's Official: KLIA & klia2 Now Renamed To KLIA Terminal 1 & Terminal 2

It was announced in February that KLIA and klia2 may be renamed.

Cover image via klia2 SAYS

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UPDATED, 8 June: KLIA is officially renamed as KLIA Terminal 1 and klia2 is now Terminal 2

If you've been travelling or are planning your holidays, take note that the Malaysian airports may be in the midst of getting new names

KLIA and klia2 may soon be renamed to KLIA Terminal 1 and KLIA Terminal 2 respectively.

Image via klia2

According to a report by New Straits Times in February, Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) said it had obtained the government's approval on the rebranding.

"It is not immediate since the rebranding is part of a new Operating Agreement (OA 2023) between the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB).

"The government and MAHB will finalise and sign the OA 2023 and related Lease Agreements before the end of the first quarter of 2023 (March 31)," Transport Minister Anthony Loke said during a press conference in February, as reported by Malay Mail.

Although there has yet to be any confirmation on the proposed rebranding, SAYS has already spotted the new names on Malaysia Airports' official website and our flight details

Screenshot of KLIA Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 on the Malaysia Airports official website.

Image via Malaysia Airports

Image via SAYS

Kuala Lumpur International Airport T2 to represent KLIA Terminal 2.

Image via SAYS

So, if you're travelling soon, take note of the names, and which airport you'll be arriving and departing from!

Haven't got your passport renewed? You can do it online:

Tourists travelling from some countries are now allowed to use the Malaysia autogates as well:

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