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Ipoh Man Spends Over RM6,000 To Fix Mess & Damage Left Behind By Nightmare Tenants

They left behind rubbish, mud, soiled mattresses, and even animal remains.

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A man from Ipoh, Perak had to fork out RM6,000 to fix the mess and damage left behind by irresponsible tenants at his parents' home

Abdul Latif Ab Razak, who shared his ordeal on Facebook, said instead of earning some passive income, he and his family had to spend a small fortune to repair the house, which was left in an appalling state.

"I pity my parents for having to deal with tenants like this," he wrote in a post last Friday, 3 November.

He shared photos showing that the tenants had left every part of his parent's rental home in filth, with every surface soiled and rubbish strewn all over the floor in every room.

He and his family also found numerous scribbles on the walls, mud on the kitchen floor, and animal remains in the backyard. Even their mattresses and plastic chairs had to be thrown out due to their poor and unhygienic condition.

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

He shared that the house is in Taman Cempaka, and is located in a strategic area with many amenities nearby

However, as fate would have it, his family always had to contend with horrible tenants.

"It's not the first or second time this has happened. Instead of earning a passive income, it's the other way around.

"Cleaning costs, overdue rent, unpaid electricity and water bills, and not to mention, the repair expenses that have amounted to RM6,000, which is equivalent to a year's rent!" he lamented.

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Image via Abdul Latif Ab Razak (Facebook)

Abdul Latif told SAYS that, unfortunately, his parents did not sign a tenancy agreement with the renters of seven months

"There's a lesson to be learned from this. It's not that easy to rent out a home. My suggestion is that every property owner should employ a real estate negotiator," he said.

He added that his parents were helping out some people in need, but they betrayed their trust.

"From now on, we have to put aside our sympathy for others, we have to be more firm and not too naive. We should follow the law when renting out a house," he reflected.

"Deposits, agreements, and complete tenant details should all be in place, because when situations like this occur, who will sympathise with us then?" he added.

He also told SAYS that his family has not taken legal action against the tenants, but have discussed the matter with the tenants' employers to reduce their salary to cover some expenses.

Here are other homeowners who also had to deal with the aftermath of irresponsible guests and tenants:

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