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Paedophile Richard Huckle Who Sexually Abused 22 Malaysian Children Found Dead In Prison

He was reportedly stabbed multiple times with a makeshift knife.

Cover image via Daily Express BBC Three

British paedophile Richard Huckle, who previously confessed to sexually abusing 22 Malaysian children, has been found dead in his prison cell

Image via Daily Express

BBC reported that Huckle had been attacked in his cell at Full Sutton Prison, England.

A makeshift knife was found near his body. The Star reported that Huckle had been stabbed multiple times.

In 2016, Huckle was sentenced to 22 life sentences after admitting to 71 charges of sexually abusing children between the ages of six months and 12 years

Posing as an English teacher and a philanthropist, Huckle had targeted poor Christian communities in Kuala Lumpur, reported The Guardian.

His victims included 22 Malaysian children and a child from Cambodia, who were sexually abused multiple times.

It was reported that Huckle kept a scorecard on his computer, awarding himself marks for different kinds of abuse of 191 children.

Huckle was arrested in December 2014 by National Crime Agency officials at Gatwick Airport, UK

Image via BBC Three

His arrest was possible due to a tip-off from Australian authorities, following a painstaking investigation into a notorious dark web paedophile website, reported BBC Three.

The Guardian reported that upon Huckle's sentencing, Judge Peter Rook QC said, "Your offending behaviour became entrenched in your everyday life. Your life revolved around your sexual activities with young children.

"Your distorted beliefs in respect of children are deep-seated. Your self-delusion knows no bounds."

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