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Random People Crashed A Malaysian Singer's Wedding & Invited Guests Had No Place To Sit

The bride took to Facebook to share about the incident.

Cover image via Jacqueline Ng (Facebook)

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Weddings are often an extravagant affair, but it can also be quite stressful.

A Malaysian singer recently shared her wedding experience where a few uninvited guests caused a bit of chaos at her reception.

Jacqueline Ng explained the sticky situation that took place in a hall in Juru, Penang in a recent post on her Facebook page. She shared that she had been receiving complaints of "wedding crashers" from her guests.

According to Ng, the incident happened despite having assigned seats for each guest in advance.

Image via Jacqueline Ng (Facebook)

Ng said that she initially wanted to be forgiving and let the matter slide. However, there had been too many complaints, making it difficult to ignore.

She wrote, "They took my guests' seats, causing chaos! Seat assignments were in disarray, and those with assigned seats had nowhere to sit!"

She added that, fortunately, there were extra tables and temporary vacancies due to last-minute cancellations.

"Otherwise, how would I explain it to my guests?" Ng wrote.

Image via Jacqueline Ng (Facebook)

The bride shared screenshots of her conversations with her guests, in which they told her about these uninvited "aunties" and "uncles"

She shared that a wedding guest managed to snap a photo of one of the uninvited guests.

She wrote that a man claimed to be her neighbour, but his claims were quickly debunked by an actual neighbour who said, "I've never seen you!"

Instead of apologising or admitting his wrongdoings, the man just "stood up and continued to sit at the adjacent empty seat".

Image via Jacqueline Ng (Facebook)

One of her guests, who was also a classmate, asked her, "Why were there three uncles and aunties that we didn't know sitting at the classmates' table?"

Ng said that she did not manage to take any photos of the "uninvited guests" and shared her frustrations over these people shamelessly causing issues at her wedding.

She said that if these "uninvited guests" could not afford a meal, she would have hosted them or given them some money for food.

"Coming uninvited is really shameless!" remarked the newlywed.

Image via Jacqueline Ng (Facebook)

The bride wanted to share this story as a cautionary tale for other couples who wish to hold their wedding in a hall with many tables

"I couldn't properly host [the wedding guests], and a week of sleepless nights planning table assignments went down the drain because of you," she continued, adding, "Have you ever seen a bride arranging seats nervously just before her grand entrance?"

Following the incident, she apologised to her guests for the inconvenience caused.

The Facebook post has garnered more than 2,800 likes, 2,100 comments, and 5,900 comments since it was posted yesterday, 7 November.

In September, a wedding guest insisted on packing some food before the ceremony even began:

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