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Woman Horrified To Discover She Was Swallowing Worms Inside Sushi King Soy Sauce Bottle

The unfortunate woman only noticed the small white worms inside the soy sauce bottle once she had finished eating.

Cover image via @dyrasalleh (TikTok)

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A woman at Sushi King AEON Shah Alam received the shock of her life when she noticed several live maggots writhing around in one of the restaurant's soy sauce bottles

The incident occurred two days ago, on 21 December, when TikToker @dyrasalleh was eating at the establishment.

However, the unfortunate woman only noticed the small white worms inside the soy sauce bottle once she had finished eating, prompting her to post a video about it online.

Up to four living maggots can be seen in the clip, and the circumstances that led to their presence inside the bottle are unknown.

Image via @dyrasalleh (TikTok)

She responded to a commenter who chided her for making a video about an incident that, in their opinion, could've been settled internally with the staff

However, according to the woman, the Sushi King staff at the outlet in question were indifferent to the health hazard.

"We told them about it very gently, but the waitstaff's response actually made it seem like we were in the wrong! I swallowed so much of that soy sauce... Do you see the worms dancing on the plate? There were heaps of worms in that bottle," she retorted.

Image via @dyrasalleh (TikTok)

The video garnered responses from ex-customers with their own horrifying experiences, as well as former Sushi King staff

"One time, we saw some cockroaches in a green tea cup at Sushi King. We told the staff about the issue very nicely, but their expression showed us they weren't the least bit sorry about it. We immediately emailed the establishment."

Image via TikTok

"I was in the middle of eating when I saw some cockroaches in the gaps of the conveyor belt. We trapped them with a cup and told the staff about it."

Image via TikTok

"I had just finished eating at Sushi King and I was stuffed. Unfortunately, it was only then that I noticed some cockroaches running out from a pipe area next to our table."

Image via TikTok

An ex-waiter gave their own two cents on the incident, stating that when they worked at Sushi King, they were required to wash the bottles every day, and to their recollection, the soy sauce could only be kept for a day. 

"How could their [Standard Operating Procedures] be so bad that they get worms in their soy sauce?"

Image via TikTok

Another user who also claimed to be an ex-staff member had conflicting testimony, suggesting that perhaps standard operating procedures are different depending on the outlet.

"I used to work at Sushi King. Every night, we would pour all the soy sauce into a jug. Then, we washed the soy sauce containers before transferring the soy sauce back into them."

Image via TikTok

Sushi King Malaysia has since released a statement apologising for the incident

They have since apologised to the TikToker and claim it was an isolated incident. The establishment has also launched an investigation into the outlet in question.

Furthermore, the popular Japanese food chain reported the incident to the Ministry of Health and are ready to cooperate with authorities on the matter.

Image via @sushikingmalaysia (Instagram)

Watch the video here:

Read about more Malaysian-made, health hazard horror stories here:

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