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"Cannot Breathe" — Woman Gets Trapped In Bus Compartment While Trying To Retrieve Her Bag

The 20-year-old said she felt helpless during the whole ordeal and does not wish it upon anybody else.

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A woman alarmingly found herself trapped in the luggage compartment of a coach bus in Johor after she had crawled inside to retrieve her bag

In a post on Xiaohongshu on Wednesday, 26 June, the 20-year-old passenger said she was travelling alone from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru on a SC Southern Express bus when the incident occurred.

She said it was raining in the evening when she arrived, and she had gotten off the bus to retrieve her luggage when she saw it had slid deep into the compartment.

The woman said she was crawling inside to grab her bag when, without warning, the compartment door was slammed shut behind her.

"I turned around and hit the compartment door with my hands, but nobody heard me," she wrote.

Image via 小仙女本仙 (Xiaohongshu)

The woman said she was unsure of what to do next, but was afraid of losing consciousness due to the lack of fresh air

The passenger said she then remembered that the bus operator had sent her a booking confirmation on WhatsApp earlier that day, so she tried calling and messaging the number for help.

"Help," one of her messages read. "Cannot breathe."

She added that a woman had picked up her call, but it seemed that the operator did not understand what she was saying and put down the phone.

She recounted in her post, "Every time the bus stopped, I kept wondering if the driver had received news that I was stuck inside here and was going to open the door for me."

"At the time, I was also starting to feel a little dizzy, but I held on because I was afraid that I would not wake up if I passed out," she added.

Image via 小仙女本仙 (Xiaohongshu)

Thankfully, about 15 minutes after she called for help, she was freed by the bus driver

"People waiting at the bus stop were shocked when I walked out of the luggage compartment," she said.

The passenger also claimed that the bus driver did not apologise, but had only smiled and said she had closed the door because she assumed the passenger had already taken her bag and left.

The 20-year-old said she burst into tears because of how helpless she felt during the whole ordeal and did not wish it upon anybody else.

The passenger said her boyfriend has since reported the incident to the bus operator

In their reply to him, the company apologised for the inconvenience and distress that his girlfriend experienced.

"Due to the heavy rain, the driver did not see her retrieving her luggage and mistakenly closed the door. We are sorry for this oversight," read the message.

SC Southern Express added that they have taken action against the driver, as well as the staff member for not urgently escalating the matter. They also assured that they will be taking immediate steps to ensure such an incident will not happen again.

The company has also made a public statement on Facebook to apologise for the incident.

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