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"You're The Best" — Woman Leaves Sarcastic Note To Driver Who Double-Parked Behind Her Car

The woman was unable to drive to the hospital because of the double-parked car.

Cover image via @alepdepay (TikTok)

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A Malaysian woman recently left a sarcastic note on the front windshield of a car that was double parked behind her vehicle

The incident was shared in a TikTok post by user @alepdepay, who witnessed the ordeal while leaving a store in Bangsar Utama on Thursday, 15 February.

In the note, the woman expressed frustration that she had an emergency but couldn't drive her vehicle to the hospital because a black Honda was double parked behind her car.

Despite the driver leaving their phone number, the woman claimed that they did not answer the phone, despite her numerous attempts to contact them.

Image via @alepdepay (TikTok)

As a result, she was forced to take an e-hailing taxi to the hospital

"Thank you. I had an emergency to attend to at the hospital but because of your black Honda, I couldn't go anywhere.

"Thanks for leaving your phone number, but I tried calling 80 times and you didn't pick up. Thank you so much, you're the best!" wrote the woman.

At the time of writing, the post has garnered over 1.5 million views and 44,000 likes.

Image via @alepdepay (TikTok)

Netizens sympathised with the woman and shared their thoughts in the comments section

"If you want to double park your car, please don't pull the handbrake. In case anything happens, it's easier for people to push it," commented one user.

Image via TikTok

"I've once called a car that double parked behind me, but they rejected my call. I messaged them and they finally came down to move their vehicle, did they think I was a scammer?" recounted another.

Image via TikTok

"Just call the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and ask them to tow their car," suggested a user.

Image via TikTok

In April, a Malaysian man was detained by police after a video of him verbally abusing a woman while refusing to move his vehicle went viral on social media:

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