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Selangor FC Defender Khuzaimi Says Burglars Broke Into His Home & Stole His Motorcycle

Khuzaimi is the latest footballer to fall victim to a crime.

Cover image via @khuzaimipiee (Instagram)

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The residence of Ahmad Khuzaimi Piee, a Selangor Football Club (FC) defender, was allegedly broken into on Wednesday night, 22 May

Khuzaimi said the break-in happened when he was away for a training session in Shah Alam.

In a police report uploaded on hisInstagram Story earlier this morning, the 30-year-old shared that he was not at home from 2pm to 9pm. When he arrived home, he found his front and back gates open.

"When I checked inside the house, I found some of the items missing," he added.

Khuzaimi said a blue Yamaha Y15ZR motorcycle and a passport were among the items stolen.

Image via @khuzaimipiee (Instagram)

In other photos posted on his Instagram Stories, clothes, bags, and mattresses were seen strewn around, with a wardrobe appearing to have been broken into

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Khuzaimi is the latest footballer to to fall victim to a crime.

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