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4 Southeast Asian-Based Horror Games To Play at 4AM When You're Feeling Lonely

Best played alone.

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If you're an avid fan of horror games just like me, nothing hits closer to home than games based on Southeast Asian folklore and legends

No genre of horror games scare me more than when it's based on Southeast Asian folklore. If there's anything that unites Southeast Asians — beyond our delicious, flavourful food — it's our infamous variety of ghosts.

From the messy-haired, red-eyed kuntilanak to the candy-wrapper pocong, they never fail to make us look back over our shoulders when walking under a suspicious, shady tree at night.

It's just something about that candy wrapper ghost that just gives me chills. Literal chills.

Image via Giphy

Here are four games based on Southeast Asian folklore you should play in the dark:

1. Home Sweet Home (2017) — A first-person horror adventure game where you avoid being captured by a ghost while solving puzzles

A first-person survival and storytelling game, Home Sweet Home (2017), is based on Thai myths and legends. Players have to run from spirits and solve puzzles in order to solve the mystery of the game.

Image via Steam

Image via Deep Sense Media

Download Home Sweet Home here and watch the trailer below:

2. Pamali (2018) — A first-person narrative game set in Indonesia, where you play as the unsuspecting main character about to walk into a horrifying experience

In the game Pamali (2018), you play as the main character, Jaka, who goes back to his old family home to clean up and pack his family's belongings before the house is put up for sale.

While doing so, however, Jaka breaks a lot of taboos and begins to face the consequences.

Image via Steam

Image via Steam

Download Pamali here and watch the trailer below:

3. Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM (2020) — A game that uses the paper theater art style while three children explore during Hungry Ghost Festival

In this Malaysian-made game, Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM (2020), players will play as three children and their experiences, as they explore the apartment block and attempt to befriend a new neighbour before things take a dark turn.

Image via Steam

Image via Steam

Download Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM here and watch the trailer below:

4. DreadOut (2014) — An Indonesian horror game where you end up in a literal ghost town and find ways to escape

If you're into horror, DreadOut (2014) is a classic horror game that pulls you in, as you play as a highschool student, Linda, who finds herself stuck in a ghost town. 

With her phone as a weapon (literally), she attempts to solve mysteries while avoiding getting killed by ghosts, like the babi ngepet, a boar demon.

Image via Steam

Image via Steam

Download DreadOut here and watch the trailer below:

There are more Southeast Asian-based horror games that are coming out soon:

Blood Field is a first-person game where you try to find out the truth behind the mysterious death of a woman

Based on Vietnamese folklore, Blood Field centres around Minh, who explores a field and accidentally finds out the truth behind the tragic death of a young lady. 

The release is yet to be announced, but you can play the demo for free here.

Image via Steam

Image via Steam

Watch Blood Field trailer below:

Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open, set in the same universe as Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM (2020), will be released in 2023

In the game, you will play as Ting, a girl in the early 2000s Malaysia, who discovers her third eye and struggles to come to terms with it.

The game is set to release in 2023.

Image via Steam

Image via Steam

Watch Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open trailer here:

Looking for more horror games to play with friends? Check out this story:

If you're not into horror and would rather play chill games, here are some suggestions:

Don't really game but still want to feel spooked? Here are some Asian horror movies instead:

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