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WhatsApp Makes Finding Chats Blazing Fast With Chat Filters

Find your chats with a simple tap.

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Meta is introducing a new feature to make it easier for you to fetch your WhatsApp chats

This new feature will allow users to filter your chats based on specific criteria. The chat filter will appear above your list of chats for easy access.

For now, the filters allow users to sort chats under  three categories: All, Unread, and Groups.

Image via Meta (Provided to SAYS)

These filters are pretty self-explanatory but here's a simple breakdown for you:

To view all your chats, tap on the 'All' filter. This will display all of your conversations, including individual chats and group chats.

If you want to view only the chats that contain unread messages, tap on 'Unread'. These include new messages that have not been opened, and messages that were manually marked as unread.

To view only your group chats, including subgroups of Communities, tap on 'Groups'. This will display all your group conversations, allowing you to focus specifically on group interactions within your messaging app.

Here's when you can expect the new feature to pop up in your app:

The chat filters feature was launched today, Wednesday, 17 April, and will gradually become available to all WhatsApp users over the next few weeks.

You can expect to see this feature enabled on your WhatsApp app within this timeframe.

Follow SAYS Tech on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok for the latest in tech in Malaysia and the world!

WhatsApp is also testing a new feature that you should check out. Here's what it is all about:

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