
Video Of DJ Soda Getting Scared By Batu Caves' Monkeys Has Netizens Feeling Amused

DJ Soda is in town!

Cover image via DJ Soda/Facebook

Circulating on the Internet right now are videos of DJ Soda exploring Kuala Lumpur in a baju kebaya and construction worker attire

DJ Soda, whose her real name is Hwang So-hee, arrived in Malaysia on 1 November and has since been going around town in her yellow limousine.

Her visit to Kuala Lumpur is due to her November tour, where she performed in Y Club Kuala Lumpur last Friday.

In one of her videos, DJ Soda can be seen getting frightened by monkeys while trying to feed them at Batu Caves

One monkey jumped over her head while she was standing on the colourful stairs, and another jumped towards her as she was holding a banana.

Each time the monkeys jumped, DJ Soda could be heard screaming in fear.

"My throat is hurting so bad, since I screamed a lot," wrote the 31-year-old South Korean star on her Instagram.

The video was viewed 200,000 times on Facebook and 370,000 times on Instagram.

Many Malaysian netizens have since jumped into the comment section to welcome DJ Soda and tell her not to be afraid as the monkeys were only after her food

"Welcome to Gombak," said a Malaysian netizen, referring to the location of the cave.

"Be careful. Best right (to be in) Malaysia?" another Malaysian Instagram user commented.

Image via Instagram

"They just want food. Don't worry," assured another Malaysian netizen.

Image via Facebook

You can watch the video here:

Besides Batu Caves, DJ Soda also visited the KL Tower and tried Village Park's popular nasi lemak

In another video, she was seen eating a packet of nasi lemak with her hands - like a true Malaysian.

"It was a real hectic day till I couldn't have my meals. So I ate this famous Nasi Lemak Ayam like a pig which is from Village Park where locals queue for it," DJ Soda wrote in the caption.

She was beaming as she took a bite of the fried chicken, saying that it was really delicious in Korean.

DJ Soda also had gulai ayam and keropok in one of her meals, pronouncing the dishes in Bahasa Malaysia and described the food as 'sedap' in her caption.

Speaking of celebrities trying Malaysian food, chef Gordon Ramsay once tried sup torpedo:

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