Malaysian Adults Share How Much Ang Pow They Received For Chinese New Year So Far
Just for fun. Don't so serious.
1. "RM280! That's RM80 more than last year!"
"Not bad. It also includes RM50 I got from one of my bosses. I'm happy. :)"
- Jonathan, 22
2. "Around RM2,000 so far"
"It depends on how many relatives I meet. This year, we didn't go back to Terengganu, which is my mum's kampung, so I didn't get to meet a lot of them. Usually, I would get a lot more ang pow. But you know, I'm more sad about not getting to see my extended family."
- Ian, 26
3. "RM150, give or take"
"I used to get more when I go back Melaka 'cause those are my close relatives but I don't go back as often anymore. I'd get RM500 or more?
"Nowadays, I follow my gf to her hometown and celebrate with her side of the family. Since we're not as close, I don't get as much from her relatives."
- Adrian, 35
4. "I got more than RM6,000 so far"
"I'm the youngest and the only one not married yet, haha. My parents gave me RM2,000; two older brothers, one older sister, all three married, got RM500 each from them. Then, aunts, uncles, lots of visiting. Yeah. I will enjoy it while it lasts, hahaha."
- Clara, 23
5. "I'm getting past the ang pow age dy"
"Wah, I think my total ang pow I got was RM500 je, haha. Last year getting ang pow, next year have to give, hahahahaha."
- Alex, 33
6. "Hmmm RM2,000 - RM3,000, around there"
"Babe, I haven't counted yet. Chinese New Year not over yet. But should be around there lah. That's the max."
- Dolin, 32
7. "I got RM1,500 from my parents :)"
"I also got from my boss. My aunts and uncles also gave but I technically haven't received them yet because they're in Sarawak and I'm in KL. :( Oh, how I wish I can open 'em."
- Vanessa, 24
9. "Lol, around RM500? I didn't really go for visitation this year."
"Haha, mine is not accurate ah. It's the younger ones who are more eligible for ang powsssss~"
- Justin, 38
10. "RM850 from close relatives and parentsss"
"I got less this year. Usually, it's about RM1,000? 'Cause i get ang pow from distant relatives or when I visit friends' open houses. But this year's CNY was pretty quiet for me."
- Tim, 26
12. "I got RM30!"
"I used it to buy bubble tea and chap fan, hehe. I still got RM10 leftover that I will use to treat myself to Chagee or a dessert. :)"
- Gowri, 31
13. "I got about RM1.4K-ish this year"
"I wonder what's the norm, I think I'm on the low side. I hear some friends getting a lot more than that usually."
- Nicole, 26
14. "My ROI is at RM900 now"
"Still got a few open houses to go, so hopefully will hit RM1K. :P"
- Kelsie, 26
15. "My parents-in-law gave me RM100 but my own flesh 'n blood parents gave me RM16"
"Meanwhile… my barely two-year-old kid got RM1,200. I miss being a kid."
- Bee, 35
16. "Total so far is RM67"
"I got RM50 from my boss at work, then RM10 and RM7 from Touch 'n Go eWallet ang pow from friends, hahaha. I'm married by the way. It's all an extra bonus for me."
- Joe, 45
17. "In RM? Haha, I don't even know."
"My dad gave me a lot, hahahaha. But I also gave away a lot. So, in the end, maybe I only got RM300 in return. LOL. I always give to my parents and grandparents. :)"
- Cheese, 28
18. "I got about RM2K. Haha."
"CNY is the same time as my birthday this year so my ROI not as high. HAHA."
- Ridge, 27
19. "My total so far is about RM1,000"
"I get quite a lot 'cause most of my cousins on my dad's side are a lot older with their own kids. :) I should end up with anywhere from RM1.1K to RM1.3K by the end of CNY, hahahhahaha!"
- Ding, 27
20. "My friend's mum said cannot open until CNY finish"
"I never open yet. Must keep under pillow. But I have 12 so far."
- JZ, 30