
Here's How To Donate Daging Korban To Palestinians, Yemenis & Syrians For Hari Raya Haji

You can share the compassion this Eid al-Adha by giving to those in need.

Cover image via Aman Palestin (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Aman Palestin.

One important occasion that Muslims honour during Zulhijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar, is Hari Raya Haji, generally known as Eid al-Adha

Considered as one of the most sacred periods, it's a time when the faithful better reflect on their actions as well as beliefs, and are inclined to perform more good deeds.

Hari Raya Haji commemorates the story of Ibrahim and his willingness to sacrifice his son. Today, Muslims all over the world observe the celebration by sacrificing sheep, cattle, and goats, which is then shared with the community.  

Traditionally, the person who performs the sacrificial worship takes one-third of the meat, merely as a sign of blessing. Relatives and neighbours receive one-third, while another one-third of the remaining cut is given to people in need.

In honour of Zulhijjah, local NGO Aman Palestin is giving Malaysians the opportunity to spread goodwill to people affected by instability in Palestine, Yemen, and Syria

Aman Palestin began as an initiative to help and distribute donations while observing the welfare and human rights of Palestinians. It makes sure every ringgit donated reaches its destination and is utilised to the fullest.

From its inception in late 2004 to its successful registration as an NGO with Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) in January 2006, Aman Palestin has been providing well-planned, sustainable, and effective aid to Palestine.

Fast forward to now, and Aman Palestin successfully distributes aid in the form of projects to people in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, thanks to proceeds and donations from the public.

Aman Palestin's Ibadah Korban di Bumi Anbia campaign involves sacrificial cattle slaughter rituals for people in Palestine, Syria, and Yemen

This Hari Raya Haji, Malaysians will be able to share the wealth and compassion, as you can contribute to giving out cuts of meat to local communities in those countries in the Middle East.

Here's a breakdown of options you can contribute:

One part of cattle: RM2,300
One goat: RM2,300

One part of cattle: RM1,900
One goat: RM1,900

One part of cattle: RM700

Frozen meat
One part of frozen cattle: RM750

You can donate to Aman Palestin's Ibadah Korban di Bumi Anbia initiative here

Wanna find out more ways you can help? Check out other campaigns from Aman Palestin's website.

Follow Aman Palestin on its Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up with the latest updates.

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