
Feeling Sluggish At Home? Here's What You Can Do To Surround Yourself With Good Vibes

It's still important to take care of our well-being at home.

Cover image via Watsons (Provided to SAYS) & @odua (Freepik)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Watsons. 

As we stay at home during this Movement Control Order 3.0 (MCO), it is important that we continue to monitor our health and wellness

As we adapt to the new changes in our lifestyle and try to keep up with our hectic daily lives, it's so easy to overlook our well-being while staying at home.

We're glued to our computers and phones all day for work, we sometimes opt to snack on junk food or eat unhealthy meals, and some of us even end up leading a sedentary lifestyle by failing to stay active. All this can affect our health in the long run.

Knowing that it's incredibly important to take care of our well-being at home, Watsons shared some tips and tricks you can try, whether you live alone, with your family, or flatmates

Consisting of different challenges, easy self-care and health tips, as well as recipes, these tips will surely keep you engaged throughout MCO.

Additionally, Watsons will also be having tonnes of promotions and deals you can enjoy online from the comfort of your own home. Best of all, you can do all your shopping via the Watsons Mobile App. Head over to Apple Store, Google Play, or HUAWEI App Gallery to download it.

Here are four tips from Watsons on how to keep your health and wellness in check at home:

1. Spend quality time with your family or flatmates by doing fun activities

Going out is not an option, so why not spend some quality time with your family or flatmates? 

It can be as simple as playing board games together, doing some gardening, or even fixing up a piece of new furniture together. Or, if you're looking to spend the whole day together, organise a house party or binge-watch movies or TV series in the living room!

2. Pick up new skills or challenges, so you're not just idling around

Gaining new skills and knowledge is a great way to occupy your time at home. You could sign up for online classes to boost your career, or it can be as simple as trying out new recipes in the kitchen.

In fact, Watsons has shared over 20 healthy and fun recipes you can try making with Nutrabliss by Watsons. You can even do the Nutrabliss by Watsons cooking challenge together with your flatmates or family, so it's more fun! Get the recipes here.

3. Do simple exercises every now and then

Wonder why you feel tired or fatigued despite not moving much throughout the day? Lying or sitting around for long periods of time tells your brain that you need to sleep. Not to mention, when you stare at a screen for too long, you tend to blink less frequently, which can cause a strain on your eyes.

That's why it's important to stay active. You don't have to do intense workouts if that's not your thing. Staying active can be as easy as doing simple movements every once in a while, like taking a break from work to do some stretches or moving around as you tidy up the house. This will help you stay alert and energetic.

Check out other self-care tips from Watsons below: 

4. Stock up on health essentials so that you'll always have what you need on hand

Stock up on health essentials such as vitamins, over-the-counter prescriptions, disinfectants, wipes, face masks, and more, so that you won't have to go out as often. Additionally, health essentials can come in handy in times of emergency.

Here are some products you can get from Watsons:

- Vitamin C 
Get supplements that help to boost your immunity. You can opt for water-soluble tablets or even chewable tablets. Vitamin C contain antioxidants that can strengthen your body's natural defenses.

- Over the counter prescriptions
Stock up on medicine in case you fall sick. And now that we're staying at home, does your back hurt from sitting too long? You can get Salonpas to relieve your aches and pains. 

- Face masks
If you're wearing disposable face masks, it's important to make sure that they are of good quality and have at least three layers. Look out for face masks that are waterproof, comfortable, and breathable, so that you can wear them for long hours. You can get your face masks here

All in all, Watsons wants to make sure that everyone is safe, healthy, and happy at home throughout MCO. Stock up on your health essentials via Watsons' online store here!

Follow their Facebook and Instagram page to get more updates on the #GetActive challenge as well.

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care.

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