
[VIDEO] Malaysian Mum Lets Her Four Kids Have Full Control Of Their Day. GG Anot?

Spoiler alert: They got messy. REALLY messy, huhu.

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If you have little ones at home, you'll know how chaotic things can get

Accidental spills on their baju, a mountain of toys everywhere (R.I.P to your foot if you’ve ever stepped on a piece of LEGO), and your child’s favourite cartoon song on-repeat allll day (looking at you, Baby Shark), taking care of children is no small feat.

But, at the end of the day, nothing beats seeing them happy and full of laughter! :D

Inspired by BuzzFeed's Mom In Progress series, Breeze decided to challenge Malaysian mum Laila to let her four kids have full control of their day, jeng jeng jenggg! :O

Watch the video below to see what went down:

After they mandi in the morning, the kids got to choose their outfits for the day, yay! See how nice and white their shirts are now? It ain't gonna stay that way for long, huhu.

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Laila: "What are you wearing today, Aisha? You look so cute!"

Laila: "What are you wearing today, Sulaiman?"

Sulaiman: "Today I'm wearing an Ultraman t-shirt.

Laila: "Ultraman pose!"

They wanted to make choc chip cookies, but most of the ingredients ended up on the floor and on each other, hahahaha

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Ayub: *dumps cocoa powder on Sulaiman*

Sulaiman: "Oh my god! The cookie is now ruined, R.I.P cookie. At least Aisha's one is actually good."

And for lunch they wanted... pasta burgers! Mmmm, sounds yums!

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Finally, when they ended the day by going to the park, in true kid fashion, they didn't wanna balik rumah after that, hehehe ;)

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Laila: "Hi, baby!"

Laila: "Kids, are we ready to go home?"

Sulaiman: "No!"

Laila: "How long more are we staying?"

Sulaiman: "10 hours!"

Considering how messy the kids got throughout the day, Laila was glad to have Breeze to help her get all those tough stains out of their baju

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Laila: "Look at all the stains on these clothes! It's just from half a day of activities. You know how it is when you're a parent, so into the washing machine they go. And I get to tell you about this really, really cool detergent that I found.

"It's Breeze liquid power clean detergent. It's very, very effective on every stain that my family has encountered."

Whether you've got little ones running around at home or are living on your own, it's important to choose a good laundry detergent that's not only effective, but also environmentally friendly

Made from plant-based active and natural extracts, Breeze's new eco-friendly formula is much kinder to the environment. In addition, thanks to Breeze's new bigger refill packs, you won't have to buy new bottles of detergent once the one you're using habis.

The best part of the refill packs is the super convenient packaging, which allows it to stand on its own. It even has a built-in nozzle, so you can easily pour the contents of the packs into your empty Breeze bottle, or even directly into your washing machine.

By the way, the new refill packs use 78% less plastic**, so you'll also be helping the environment by reducing your plastic usage and living a greener lifestyle.

Breeze's formula also includes Triple Boost Technology and anti-malodor properties. This is what allows it to not only clean your clothes quickly, but also leave them smelling fresh, with no lingering unpleasant smells. Additionally, the formula is also 99.9% effective against virus.*

**vs Breeze bottle 3.6kg/3.8kg
*Based on external lab test against vaccinia virus, conducted in UK in 2020.

Find out more about Breeze products here

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