
[VIDEO] S P Setia's Festive Ad Is All About This Really Cute Old-School Raya Tradition

Is how much duit Raya we get all that really matters?

Cover image via S P Setia

This Spotlight is sponsored by S P Setia.

Besides spending time with family and feasting on all the yummy food, one of the things we get excited about during Raya is duit Raya!

Whether it's the warmth you feel from sincerely giving it out or the joy of receiving it, no Raya is complete without duit Raya. But as the years go by, it seems that people have been placing more and more importance on how much money they get.

The more we receive, the happier we are. Especially when we get to gloat that we've received more than our friends or family members. Is how much we get really all that matters?

S P Setia's heartwarming Raya ad touchingly reminds us all of the true purpose of duit Raya through the story of a mother and a daughter

In the video, the mother recounts to her daughter how she used to collect duit Raya as a child. It would always start the night before Raya, when she would get her grandmother to sew her a simple pouch out of leftover cloth.

The next morning, she would then go around her kampung, visiting neighbours and having all kinds of festive fun with them, while also collecting money in the pouch

Even though everyone would know how much duit Raya was being given, the mother never cared. To her, the most important thing was being able to get to know and spend time with everyone in her kampung.

Watch the full video below to see how the daughter reacts to her mother's story:

At the end of the day, it's not about how much you get, but the relationships we build and bonds we strengthen through the act of giving and receiving duit Raya

Let's all strive to keep the spirit of this festive season in mind and to not forget what's truly important during Raya! #SetiaSepakatIkatanErat

S P Setia wishes Selamat Hari Raya to all Malaysians! May this be a blessed and joyous time for you and your loved ones.

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