
[PHOTOS] Malaysians Share Pics Of Their Buka Puasa Meals On The First Day Of Ramadan

Homecooked meals, bazaar food, and delivery!

Cover image via Ellina Chan & Ihsan Ihsani

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1. "We half beli, half masak"

Image via Ikmal Zulkifli

"The main highlights of my buka last night:

  • Ayam goreng teriyaki (RM44.90 from bazaar Ramadan)
  • Roti hotdog goreng (my dad cooked)
  • Cara berlauk (RM10 for 10pcs from bazaaar Ramadan)
"Kuih is so expensive now!" 

- Ikmal, 26

2. "I had TGI Fridays!"

Image via Anith Marissa

"I had pasta. Expected to be fully booked everywhere yesterday but surprisingly the mall was empty.

"CAJUN CHICKEN AND SHRIMP PASTA BE BUSSIN AF. The moment I took a bite, the flavours slapped me into another universe."

- Anith, 24

3. "I masak by myself!"

Image via Ellina Chan

"I cooked ayam Bali and stir-fried broccoli and carrot with oyster sauce. The drink is air Ribena pudina, but the mint leaves sank to the bottom by the time it was buka hahahaha."

- Ellina, 27

4. "We kept it simple with Chinese Muslim food"

Image via Dan

"My family and I decided to bungkus some beef kuey teow from Homst. I'd say for halal Chinese food, it's pretty decent, and they're very generous with the portion. We also had sotong goreng, as well as some cincau to wash it all down. That's all we had, didn't want to fall into the food waste trap like we sometimes did last year."

- Dan, 30

5. "I balik kampung to be with my family for the first day of Ramadan"

"I think my photos are ugly. But I show you anyway. We cooked rendang itik, telur itik masak lemak cili api, and keli goreng berlada. 

"My sisters went to the bazaar Ramadan as well and bought some stuff."

- Zaidi, 30

6. "Homey food at home"

Image via Adriana Zaba

"This is what my family had for buka. Mee goreng, nasi goreng kerabu, and kuih kaswi for dessert. It was aight.

"I've never tried kuih kaswi before. I give it a 5/10, the grated coconut threw me off, I no likey."

- Adriana, 23

7. "Korean BBQ with friends"

Image via Ani

"Delicious. Pretty healthy? And we could take turns to do our prayers, then come back to eat some more, hehe."

- Ani, 34

8. "I bought a lil pack of food"

Image via Ihsan

"I buka by myself. I bought my favourite nasi ayam goreng kunyit. It costs RM12 but look at the portion! I think it's totally worth it. And so sedap."

- Ihsan, 29

9. "Homecooked nasi lemak and satay from the bazaar"

Image via Haikal Ismail

"Our helper made nasi lemak with fried chicken. I also went to the bazaar to buy satay, drinks, and some treats for the kids. Overall, just a simple meal.

"The satay was so keras though. Disappointed heh." 

- Haikal, 39

10. "I had brownies... for dessert"

Image via Brownyism

"I had kuey teow goreng for buka, but didn't take any pics of it. Instead, here is a picture of my dessert! Brownies! And I made them. You can order it at on Insta! Hahaha."

- Niki, 31

11. "I ordered Grab 'cause I had to work late"

Image via Farkhan

"This week, I have to rush a lot of work so I'll berbuka in office every day. But it's ok. My team are all with me too. So they wait with me and buka together, even though they're not Muslim. Best team!

"Oh, I had surf and turf last night. From some Western stall on Grab. I don't even know the name. Haha."

- Farkhan, 27

12. "I had a RM20 taco"

Image via Lana

"They were grilling huge chunks of meat, brisket, lamb, ribs on the barbecue at the bazaar Ramadan. It smelled SO GOOD. 

"So, I ordered a lamb taco for RM20. I didn't expect it to be so small. It was very small. And flat. It was tasty though. But not RM20 tasty. Oh well. Hehehehe."

- Lana, 37

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