
A Groom Was Beaten And Chased Out Of His Own Wedding After First Wife Showed Up

According to the first wife, the man is married to not one, but two other women.

Cover image via Sumair Gaddi Rajput/Facebook

In Pakistan, where polygamy is legal and allows a man to have as many as four wives, the law still requires him to get the consent of his previous wives before he can take another woman as his wife.

One man, in his mid-30s, who seemingly "forgot" the condition learnt his lesson in a rather violent manner on Monday, 10 February.

The man was beaten up when his first wife gate-crashed his wedding reception with her family.

According to BBC, the groom was chased out from his own wedding by an angry crowd after his first wife arrived to let his new bride know that he was already married to not one, but two other women.

The man, Muhammad Asif Rafiq Siddiqi, who was in the middle of a wedding ceremony for his third marriage was then slapped by the crowd who also tore his shirt and ripped his pants.

To save himself from the violence, Asif ran and hid under a bus that was parked outside the banquet hall.

While Asif was briefly rescued by others, his first wife cried, "This man is getting married for the third time and is about ruin the life of another woman". He was then given another thrashing by the angry crowd.

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune, the crowd then handed him over to police.

The police, however, set Asif free, saying they do not have the authority to carry out any legal action against him. The relatives of the third bride then beat him up once again, while shouting:

You deceived us — you cheap.

Posted by Sumair Gaddi Rajput on Monday, 10 February 2020

In a video from the reception posted by a Pakistani reporter, a concerned relative of the third bride is seen asking the first wife, identified as Madiha Siddiqi, "What's the matter, sister?"

The woman promptly responds, saying, "He is my husband, and he is the father of this child."

She then points towards Asif, who is seen standing behind the relative, while informing the people present at the reception, "And today he is getting married again."

According to Madiha, Asif told her he was "going to Hyderabad for three days".

She then revealed that in 2018 he had secretly married for a second time to a woman named as Zehra Ashraf, a teacher at Jinnah Women's University in Karachi.

Madiha claimed that she was informed about Asif's third marriage by his second wife.

Posted by Sumair Gaddi Rajput on Monday, 10 February 2020

Asif, however, claims that he had divorced Madiha

According to him, he does not require anyone's permission to remarry as he is not doing anything illegal, asserting, "It is my right to marry four women at the same time," reported Express Tribune.

As it is a civil dispute, police officials said that Madiha and Asif needs to approach the court.

Meanwhile, in September last year, a man in Sabah who married two women in a single ceremony received praise from netizens:

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