
IMU Has Now Asked The Student Who Made Sexist FB Comment To Be On Home Leave

He has also been issued a show-cause letter.

Cover image via IMU & FB (edited)

In a statement on Tuesday, 12 March, the International Medical University (IMU) said that the student, whose sexist comment sparked a huge controversy, has been asked to be on home leave

The IMU student, who had commented on a Facebook post about an actress's fatal accident, suggesting that she could have avoided the accident had she not left the pub alone, has been instructed to be on home leave until further notice, IMU said.

"Following an urgent meeting on Monday, 11 March, the student has been issued a show cause letter and instructed to be on home leave until further notice," read the statement that was posted on the university's official Facebook page yesterday.

Prior to this, the private university had said that the IMU Disciplinary Board will commence immediate investigations and that they "will attend to this matter internally."

Image via IMU & FB

IMU also said that its management has provided "immediate medical evaluation and behavioural counselling" to the student

The statement, which was posted on Tuesday evening, the university added that they won't be making any further statement until their internal proceedings are over.

"Since the formal investigative process by the IMU Disciplinary Board is underway, there are restrictions on what we can announce publicly during the proceedings. We will not be making any further statements until the proceedings are over," it read.

Meanwhile, Gerakan Youth lodged a police report on Monday against the IMU student for insulting Chinese men and women:

Here's a recap of the IMU student's case:

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