
Man With Cancer Wins RM1.98 Billion Lottery. Now He Plans To Find A Good Doctor

Cheng “Charlie” Saephan has been battling cancer for eight years.

Cover image via SCMP (

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A cancer-stricken man found himself to be an overnight billionaire after he won a Powerball jackpot in Oregon, US, recently

Cheng “Charlie” Saephan, born in Laos but migrated to the US in 1994, won a USD1.3 billion (RM6.1 billion) Powerball jackpot on 29 April 2024 — the fourth-largest Powerball jackpot win in Oregon's history.

According to The Guardian, the 46-year-old aerospace machinist received USD422 million (RM1.98 billion) after taxes.

Saephan shared 50% of his winnings with his 55-year-old friend Laiza Chao, who had contributed USD100 (RM469) to purchase the lottery tickets.

Saephan split the remaining winnings two ways with his 37-year-old wife, Duanpen Saephan.

Cheng “Charlie” Saephan has been battling cancer for eight years.

Image via SCMP (

The day before the draw's announcement, Chao had texted Saephan with a photo of the lottery tickets, joking that they were billionaires

"We’re billionaires," Chao's text read. It became a prophetic message, according to Saephan.

When he found out that they had won, Saephan called his wife and then Chao.

"She (Duanpen) was driving to work, but I told her, 'There’s no need to work now!'" Saephan quipped.

"I’m in the middle of battling cancer, so I am thinking about how I am going to have time to spend all this money," he said to the press. 

Saephan, who has been battling cancer for eight years, plans to get himself a good doctor and buy a dream home for his family

The father of two also added that he was relieved that money is no longer a worry for his family.

Saephan revealed that he had jotted down his winning number on a piece of paper, several weeks before the draw. He had kept it under his pillow while he slept, and prayed for good fortune.

"I don’t want to die until I have done something for my family," Saephan said.

Although the winning numbers were generated by a computer, Saephan believes that God answered his prayers.

"God picked for me."

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