
Man Finds PS4 Infested With Dead Cockroaches And It's Apparently Pretty Common

Buggy console.

Cover image via Twitter @VitoGesualdi

A man's tweet recently went viral after he discovered dead cockroaches hidden inside his PlayStation 4 (PS4) console

On 14 September, YouTuber @VitoGesualdi tweeted images of his roach-infested PS4, which has gained over 5,700 retweets.

In his tweet, Vito asked Sony to design smaller ventilation holes.

However, several people said that he should clean his home instead because roaches are attracted to uncleanliness.

"Decided to try cleaning all the dead roaches out of my PS4. Sony, please design smaller vent holes next time," Vito tweeted.

Vito replied that his house is actually clean and explained that roach-infested game consoles are a common case

Video game website Kotaku explained that cockroaches are attracted to warm, dark, or enclosed areas, so it is common to find these critters in places like game consoles.

PS4's design, especially, is the most common roach hotel because of its larger vents compared to Microsoft's Xbox.

The solution? Store your PS4 in the open, where there is enough airflow for it to breathe

Kotaku also advises keeping the PS4 at a higher location where cockroaches cannot easily reach and to keep your home clean, of course.

You can read Vito's full tweet below:

For a similar reason, this man found a telephone filled with dozens of dead cockroaches:

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