
Monorail Operator Hailed A Hero For Saving 30 People During KL Fallen Tree Incident

Anthony Loke lauded the train captain as the "unsung hero" of the incident.

Cover image via FMT & Aswadi Alias/New Straits Times

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Transport Minister Anthony Loke has presented an appreciation certificate to a monorail operator who stopped the train and saved more than 30 commuters when an uprooted tree fell on the tracks earlier this month

According to FMT, Loke said train captain Ahmad Zahiruddin Nordin's quick thinking saved the lives of the 30 passengers, preventing an even bigger tragedy from happening at Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur on 7 May.

He noted that Zahiruddin, who has 14 years of experience as a monorail captain, encountered a similar incident involving a fallen tree in 2015.

"I was informed of his action by Prasarana's management, and in the previous Cabinet meeting, I have told Prasarana that we should appreciate his quick action. Because of his action, he saved the situation and many lives on that day.

"There were more than 30 passengers on the train. Imagine if the train didn't stop and hit the tree, a massive tragedy might have happened that day," Bernama quoted him as saying during a press conference yesterday, 23 May.

Loke lauded Zahiruddin as the "unsung hero" of the incident. The minister also thanked all the staff members who arranged shuttle bus services and ensured commuters safely arrived at their destination after the incident, reported The Star.

During the press conference, Loke also said that his ministry has requested Prasarana to cooperate with the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and authorities to identify high-risk trees

He added that the ministry has been in talks with the authorities to ensure regular maintenance of the trees, reported Bernama.

On 7 May, four monorail stations in Kuala Lumpur were temporarily closed after an uprooted tree fell on the tracks at 2pm. Heavy rain and strong wind were attributed as the cause of the tree falling.

The incident claimed the life of a 47-year-old private tour guide and injured two others. Additionally, at least 17 vehicles were damaged as a result.

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