
M'sians Shocked By People Selling Witchcraft 'Tangkal' Potion Via TikTok To Hex On Others

At the time of writing, the potion was already sold out.

Cover image via TikTok

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A tweet recently went viral showing a video of a Malaysian 'entrepreneur' selling witchcraft potions on TikTok

In a tweet posted by user @sofearozaidi_, she shared screenshots from two TikTok videos in which the seller can be seen inserting horsehair worms into a glass container.

"How can you sell this thing on TikTok? Isn't this a love potion or tangkal (amulet)? It's scary to read the comments too, many people have already bought and used it," said the user.

The original TikTok video was a response to a comment that appeared to be written by a previous customer

"This is an excellent product. I used it for my business, but men were also drawn to me," the customer commented.

Scrolling through the seller's TikTok, this SAYS writer discovered hundreds of other similar comments from customers who were ecstatic with their purchase.

The seller also sells the potion on his TikTok page, listing it as Wangian Perindu Pewangi Asli (The Fragrance of Longing), for RM70 per bottle and RM180 for three bottles.

"This Wangian Raja Perindu is a perfume that can help you unleash positive auras to boost your charisma, improve your love life, and ease your business, InshaAllah (if God wills it)," said the seller while describing the potion.

At the time of writing, the potion was already sold out.

Image via TikTok

Most Malaysians confirmed that the seller is indeed selling a witchcraft potion

One user commented that they had seen such listings many times on other e-commerce platforms like Lazada and Carousell.

"It's so scary that people think this is the solution to being liked at work, in relationships, and etc," she said.

Image via Twitter

Another user commented that she also saw the same videos on her TikTok For You page (FYP), but she did not understand what she was actually looking at.

Image via Twitter

Meanwhile, another user shared screenshots from another store that also sells various types of love potions and witchcraft amulets.

Image via Twitter

In June last year, a report of a fire at an apartment building in Penang led the firefighters to a 23-year-old man practising witchcraft:

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