20 Bad Memories Of The Time You Had To Complete Your Final Year Project
The point where stress and crippling anxiety peaks.
Guy Beats Up His Female Classmate Because She Made Him Look Stupid In Class
What a sore loser.
Done With School? This Quiz Will Pick The Perfect Course For You
It's time to find out!
PTPTN Cannot Give 100% Loans As Many Have Yet To Pay Back Theirs
Loan recovery is still a long way from its target.
M'sian City Life #30: I Kissed The Bangladeshi Guy Working At The Mamak!
"He was the friendliest and warmest Bangladeshi guy I've ever known."
M'sian City Life #29: I Thought I Would Do Fine With Just An SPM Cert But I Messed Up
"I kept convincing myself I was already getting along fine. But truthfully, I was not."
M'sian City Life #5: I Was A College Dropout And I Spent A Night With A Prostitute
"Her name was Jaz and she was 19 years old from an isolated village.”
Malaysia Is The 5th Most Expensive Country In The World To Get A Degree
In other words, it costs your working parents more than half of what they make
The 18 Types Of Friends We Didn't Have Until We Found Them In College
From the overachiever to the futsal dude, which one are you?
12 Assuring #NoteToSelf's To Make Before You Set Off To A University
The road ahead might get tough. It's good to have these reminders when you're going through times of difficulty, doubt, and fear.
10 Public Places In Malaysia Where People Were Caught Or Admitted To Having Sex At
In this week's #WTFWednesday, if you thought the balcony of a Bangsar South condo was bad...
6 Excellent Gap Year Programmes For The Go-Getter Malaysian Student
Why not do something you're going to remember for the rest of your life before settling down?
Results for #college