Can Late-Night Eating Really Cause Weight Gain?
[FACT OR FAKE #8] Will This FB Post Help You Lose 9kg of Belly Fat?
This suggested post "Diet Tips: Shed 9kg Fast" on Facebook has been spotted frequently, which got us thinking - is it possible to lose belly fat using miracle pills?
[FACT OR FAKE #101] Juice Contains Maximum Vitamins And Is Healthier Than Whole Fruits
Or is eating whole fruits more beneficial? What's the truth?
How Fattening Is Nasi Lemak And Other Local Food Compared To A 6-Inch Sandwich?
We love our food. But as yummy as they may be, we all know Malaysian food isn't always the healthiest choice. Exactly how much of fat is hidden in glistening plates of glorious food?
Subway's 7 Easy Food Hacks To Creating A Healthier, Tastier Sandwich
Most of us eat sandwiches because it's a healthier version compared to greasy, unhealthy burgers. But sandwiches can be as fattening as burgers too. Here are 7 golden rules you need to remember when making a sandwich that will satisfy your palate and diet.
[FACT OR FAKE #38] Diet Soda Can Actually Help Us Lose Weight
Everyone knows that drinking regular soda is bad for you – it's full of sugar! But what about diet soda? It's zero calories and has the same great taste, so it MUST be the better alternative if you want to lose weight, right? Well, let's find out.
Meet The Man Who Went On A McDonald's Diet For 3 Months And Lost 17 KGs
Can you lose weight eating nothing but McDonald’s for three months? Yes — as evidenced by the now-famous science teacher who reportedly did just that. To be fair, he also exercised every day.
Results for #diet