Kerajaan Mungkin Perkenal Tol Percuma Musim Perayaan Kepada Golongan B40 & M40 Sahaja
Ia bagi memastikan bantuan yang diberikan benar-benar memberi impak kepada rakyat yang memerlukan.
Tabung Haji Umum Kadar Bayaran Haji Kumpulan B40 Tahun Ini Ditetapkan RM12,356 Seorang
Difahamkan, seramai 31,600 jemaah layak menunaikan ibadah haji pada tahun ini.
M'sians Slam T20 Parents Who Send Their Kids To MRSM Schools Just To Experience "Hardship"
Some netizens contended that the MARA Junior Science Colleges (MRSM) should be abolished due to the imposition of a 10% quota on non-bumiputeras.
Ministry Accelerates RM100 E-Cash Disbursement To B40 & M40 Groups
Deputy Minister of Finance I Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan said that the distribution of RM100 e-wallet credits will benefit millions of people.
#Budget2023: Tax Cuts For M40 Group
Meanwhile, the T20 group will have to pay 0.5% to 2% more in income taxes.
Zahid Promises Free Laptops For M40 Students If BN Wins #GE15
BN candidate for the Sungai Besar parliamentary seat, Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos, explained that the move is because BN had received requests for free laptops from students and teachers.
#Budget2023: M40 Individuals To Receive RM100 E-Wallet Credit Under E-Pemula Initiative
Finance Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz said this is to promote cashless transactions.
Senarai Bantuan Awal Kerajaan Bagi Januari 2021 Untuk B40, M40, Pelajar IPT & Warga Emas
Cepat semak kelayakan anda dan mohon sekarang.
Cara Memohon Pembayaran 'One-Off' Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) Bagi Golongan M40 & B40
Pembayaran BPN akan dibuat dalam (2) dua fasa iaitu pada akhir bulan April dan Mei 2020.
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