
Apple's New Raya Ad Pokes Fun At Busybody Relatives

The ad also raises awareness on the importance of privacy.

Cover image via Apple Singapore / YouTube

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Apple has launched a tongue-in-cheek Hari Raya iPhone advertisement that cleverly raises awareness about privacy

The 38-second ad emphasises the security and convenience of Face ID, revealing how it can potentially save you from the prying eyes of nosy relatives.

The ad depicts several nosy Mak Ciks at a Hari Raya gathering attempting to unlock a beeping iPhone 15 belonging to a young woman

In the owner's absence, the nosy relatives attempt to unlock the iPhone 15 to read the contents of a message received from a guy named Shafik, who is likely the iPhone 15 owner's boyfriend.

Each unlock attempt fails, thanks to the iPhone 15's Face ID feature.

When the owner of the device returns, she effortlessly unlocks the iPhone to read her message safely. The ad ends with the words "Face ID helps keep secrets safe".

Watch the ad in full here:

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