
Don't Miss A Beat This Hari Raya With These Malaysian WhatsApp Channels

You will not regret joining these WhatsApp Channels, for sure.

Cover image via Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels & WhatsApp (Provided to SAYS)

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With Hari Raya Aidilfitri just around the corner, WhatsApp is launching a slew of curated channels by Malaysians, for Malaysians

Channels provide a straightforward, dependable, and confidential method to receive crucial updates from individuals and organisations directly within WhatsApp. These Channels are integrated into the 'Updates' tab on your app, separate from your chats with friends and family.

Joining the ranks of smashpop and Zoo Negara, WhatsApp is introducing several newly launched Channels that will connect Malaysians to local entertainment, culture, travel, and culinary delights during the festive season.

As you prepare for the Hari Raya celebrations, why not take a look at these WhatsApp Channels:

1. Erul Samah

Stay updated with local artist Erul Samah's Channel for exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, personal stories, and a glimpse into his creative journey, which offers an inside look at the vibrant Malaysian entertainment scene.

Find Erul Samah's channel here!

2. Ceddy Ang

Ceddy Ang's Channel features authentic food reviews, infectious humour, and valuable insights. Join his community as he shares content and expertise on entrepreneurship, podcasting, and content creation, fostering closer connections with his audience.

Be part of Ceddy's awesome Channel here.

3. Pinn Yang

Here's your chance to be part of Nicholas Lim Pinn Yang's Channel, curated by the mastermind behind Good Foodie Media.

Whether you're seeking the perfect restaurant for your Hari Raya celebration or travel inspiration for the festive season, Pinn Yang's Channel provides the latest food trends, travel gems, and much more.

4. Malaysia Homie

Malaysia Homie serves as a dedicated Channel focusing on home design and architecture, offering a glimpse into Malaysia's distinctive and diverse housing landscape.

Whether you're preparing for a Raya open house or simply seeking inspiration to elevate your living space, Malaysia Homie provides insight, tips, and trends in home decor and interior design. Explore a wealth of content tailored to enhance your hosting experience and add a touch of sophistication to your festive celebrations this season.

Elevate your home style now by joining the Malaysia Homie WhatsApp Channel.

5. iChang

iChang and her husband Jimmy, the beloved bloggers from Japan, have captured the hearts of Malaysians with their endearing tales of travel and exploration across the country.

Join the dynamic duo on their Channel as they offer a candid glimpse behind the scenes this Raya, sharing their distinctive insights on travel, culture, gastronomy, and beyond. Embark on a delightful journey with iChang and Jimmy as they unveil the beauty and charm of Malaysia through their lens, promising a unique and memorable experience for all.

Join iChang and her husband as they explore Malaysia here.


Last but not least, SAYS!

The SAYS Channel features all the trending stories happening in Malaysia and around the world. Aside from that, the Channel also highlights lifestyle-centric stories, entertainment, politics, fun, and more.

There has never been a better time to be part of the SAYS WhatsApp Channel.

WhatsApp has garnered over 500 million people engaging on Channels since its launch

The application has also received multiple helpful updates recently, including polls, group management tools, voice updates, and more.

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