
17 Things You’ll Remember If You Grew Up In A Small Town

Our neighbours are the best!

Cover image via Images (c) Azmi Hussin from

1. Everybody in town is automatically your pak cik, mak cik, abang and thanggachi

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Image via Lat

2. Can walk everywhere - supermarket, school, beach, market, etc.

3. Your neighbours are friendly, generous and super helpful in times of need!

4. Local fruits sold by the roadside or in the market are crazy cheap! #thekebunlife

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Contoh Gambar Mewarni

5. You have quick access to all necessities: schools, hospitals, post office, kedai runcits, coffee shops, barber shops!

6. The town will be empty by 7pm unless there's a pesta or religious procession

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Image via Pinterest

7. … and when the pesta is going on, that’s when the surprise traffic jam starts

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Image via Lat

8. Birthday parties are held at KFCs

Image via NST

9. Rickety old buses that go at 30km/h but can withstand the weight of 60 adults

10. Weddings mean the whole taman comes together to masak-masak

11. Chickens are our daily alarm clocks at 5.30am

Image via Blender Artists

12. Cows hanging out on the streets is a common sight

13. The whole town will know the detailed version of your UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM results

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Good Health With BJJ

14. Your neighbourhood 'mall' is called a supermarket or shopping complex!

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Washington Edu

15. No curfews and loads of freedom because you can't really get into any kind of trouble. Everybody knows everybody, remember? :)

16. Your favourite mamaks will always know your order

17. Cows and zero privacy aside, you know there's no place like home... :')

What other memories do you have of growing up in a small town? Let us know in the comment section below!

While we're taking a trip down the memory lane, remember how much fun school used to be? :P

Chinese schools were no different with basketball and Children's Day!

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