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Can Make Money, Meh? Popular Cosplayer Pudds Shares How She Turned Passion Into Profession

Chin Pui Ting, better known as Pudds, started out cosplaying at the age of 13 before turning it into a full-time career 10 years later.

Cover image via Pudds (Provided to SAYS)

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In the vibrant world of cosplay and content creation, one name shines bright: Chin Pui Ting, affectionately known as Pudds

Image via Pudds (Facebook)

With a decade-long journey marked by creativity, resilience, and financial savvy, Pudds has carved her path as one of Malaysia's most renowned cosplayers and content creators.

From battling childhood bullying to conquering the digital realm, her story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance.

Chin Pui Ting, better known as Pudds, is the woman beneath the cosplay.

Image via Pudds (Instagram)

Pudds started out cosplaying at the young age of 13 before turning it into a full-time career 10 years later

Pudds' foray into cosplay wasn't merely a hobby — it was a refuge from the harsh realities of adolescence. "I started cosplaying because I was bullied in school," she reveals candidly.

In a society where anime enthusiasts were often ostracised, Pudds found solace in the cosplay community. "Back then, people who liked anime tended to be looked down on and called weird," she recalls. At the tender age of 13, she embarked on her cosplay odyssey, unaware of the transformative journey that lay ahead.

Image via Pudds (Facebook)

Fast forward a decade, and Pudds stands tall as a beacon of inspiration. What began as a means of self-expression blossomed into a full-fledged career fueled by passion and purpose.

"After six years of cosplaying, I realised that I was starting to become bored of the usual cycle," she explains. "I wanted to do something new — explore new forms of media."

Thus, her venture into video content creation was born, with TikTok serving as her canvas. Little did she know that this leap of faith would catapult her into the spotlight, attracting brands like moths to a flame.

With over 16 million views on Instagram and TikTok, Pudds' most popular video to date showcases her dressed in traditional outfits from every state. It even led to a collaboration with Syed Saddiq that went viral.

Watch her original video below:

Pudds' primary source of revenue comes from branded content, but her ardent fans remain her main pillar of support

For Pudds, turning her passion into profit was a natural evolution. "My primary sources of income are branded content videos," she shares. From showcasing her cosplay skills in advertisements to gracing cosplay events as a guest, Pudds' revenue streams are as diverse as her talents.

Pudds shows off her booth at the Nijigen Expo in Sungei Wang in 2022.

Image via Pudds (Instagram)

Yet, it's her connection with her followers that remains her most cherished asset. "Previously, I used to have a 'ko-fi' account, where I could crowdfund money from my followers to kickstart cosplay projects," she explains. "These platforms really allowed me to connect with my audiences and feel appreciated."

But financial success didn't come without its share of challenges. "Cosplaying can be very expensive," Pudds admits. "To be able to cosplay, I've trained myself to save money and be very efficient with each ringgit I have."

From reducing costs through DIY craftsmanship to maximising content output, Pudds' financial prowess is a masterclass in resourcefulness.

"In short, I usually apply these concepts to ensure that I have a sufficient flow of money to continue and sustain my hobby," she quips.

Here's a look at Pudds' DIY process:

Since Pudds doesn't hold a full-time traditional job, she has to make the extra effort to stay disciplined financially

In navigating the financial landscape, Pudds demonstrates a keen sense of responsibility and discipline. "Each month, I allocate about 40-50% of my nett income to be put inside fixed deposits (FDs)," she reveals.

"The interest rate of FDs may not be the highest compared to other forms of savings and investments, but I just prefer to have more security and take as low of a risk as possible."

Additionally, Pudds adopts proactive measures to manage her income tax obligations, pre-paying her taxes in instalments under the CP500 programme. "Having discipline is very important," she emphasises. "I prefer to live below my means and save up that money for a rainy day."

While she has achieved success by turning her passion into a career, Pudds is still mindful of the challenges ahead

Aspiring cosplayers and content creators take note — Pudds' journey is rife with invaluable lessons. "Having proper time management is really important to set yourself on the path to success," she advises.

Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, Pudds advocates for balance and self-care. "Becoming a full-time content creator can be hectic and demanding," she warns. "It's important to implement balance and not bite off more than you can chew."

Image via Pudds

Looking ahead, Pudds remains optimistic about the future of cosplay and content creation. "I think that the industry is very strong now, especially after anime and pop media have become mainstream," she reflects.

As for emerging challenges, Pudds speculates on the impact of global shifts like the impending US ban on TikTok. "I sense that TikTok as a platform could be weakened by this ban," she muses.

To her fellow dreamers, Pudds offers these words of encouragement, "Remember to plan for your future, but do not be too afraid of it. Some things take time to be learned, in your own individual journey and time."

Image via Pudds (Facebook)

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