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This Playground In Japan Is Quite Possibly The Saddest Thing Ever

It used to be an exercise space for the public to use.

Cover image via Twitter

Ever seen a playground so small that you start questioning the normal shape of things?

Well, take a look at this playground in Japan.

Image via Twitter

Image via Twitter

What you see here a panda-shaped spring rider at the centre of a soft padded floor that is the entire playground. Its size quite possibly makes it the saddest of all playgrounds that we have ever seen.

Twitter user Motose Koizumi stumbled upon this sad joke in the name of a playground when he was passing by

The shape and size of the playground left many wondering what was the reason behind the decision to construct the playground.

According to SoraNews24, the playground exists in Kanda City, Tokyo, Japan. 

Another netizen then shared that the area used to be an exercise space before it became a public playground

Image via Twitter

The left picture shows the exercise space before it was renovated to the playground that is shown on the right picture.

The above photos, however, raised more pertinent questions about the decision to renovate what was already a more useful-looking area into a playground.

Following Koizumi's original tweet, others soon started sharing photos of similar-looking panda-shaped spring rider playgrounds

The picture was taken during nighttime and it just makes the playground so much sadder to look at.

Twitter user @daikishuttle1 who shared the second picture of the playground, however, did not reveal the location.

Another user @beard_burglar shared this panda spring rider in Shizuoka that at least exists in a more beautiful setting with flowers planted by the side.

What do you think? Is this the saddest, loneliest playground you've ever seen? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Meanwhile, check out this product that Amazon Japan is selling:

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