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Malaysian Boy Receives Custom Walkers From Donors After Crawling To School On Hands

One of the donors built a custom walker from scratch using skills he learned from a YouTube video.

Cover image via @sitiazah87 (TikTok)

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A 5-year-old boy from Kota Tinggi, Johor, has captured hearts across social media after a video of him crawling to school went viral

Now, thanks to generous donors, he has received custom-made walkers to aid his mobility.

Muhammad Shairid Hadif Ridhuan Shah was born with caudal regression syndrome (CRS), a condition that affects the development of his lower body.

Despite this, he was determined to attend school like any other child. Without a proper mobility aid, he wore slippers on his hands to crawl his way to class.

Image via @sitiazah87 (TikTok)

On 17 February, his mother, Siti Azah, shared a video of his first day at school. The touching clip showed him moving forward on his hands, determined not to let his condition hold him back.

The video quickly went viral, garnering over 3.1 million views and drawing an outpouring of support from kind-hearted Malaysians.

Touched by Shairid's story, several donors reached out to offer help.

Among them was Muhammad Idrus, a former Royal Malaysian Air Force personnel.

Unable to provide financial assistance, he instead built a custom walker from scratch after learning how from a YouTube video.

"I cannot help financially, but I can help with my abilities and skills," Idrus, who is from Kulim, Kedah, told mStar.

On 1 March, Siti shared another video, this time of Shairid using his new walker. The moment was filled with joy and gratitude as he took steps with the support of the device.

Image via @sitiazah87 (TikTok)

In her TikTok post, Siti thanked everyone who had contributed, whether through monetary donations, toys, clothing, or mobility aids.

"I cannot repay the kindness we have received, except to pray for your burdens to be eased, for abundance of your sustenance, and for good health," she wrote.

In an interview with mStar, Shairid's mother revealed that she's a single parent raising five children

She currently runs a pastry business and has been Shairid's biggest supporter.

She also shared that their family has received two custom walkers so far, with another one on the way.

Despite the difficulties, she remains committed to helping her son lead an independent life.

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