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90 Students Suffer Food Poisoning After Eating Fried Chicken At School Canteen

Nine staff members at the school also suffered food poisoning.

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Nearly 100 individuals have suffered food poisoning after consuming suspected bad fried chicken at a school canteen in Batu Pahat, Johor

According to The Star, the canteen was ordered to close for 14 days after 90 students and nine staff members experienced symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting last Thursday, 27 June.

"Out of the 99 people, 11 students sought medical attention at government and private clinics," Johor health and environment committee chairman Ling Tian Soon said yesterday, 30 June.

He added that none of the victims were hospitalised as the symptoms they experienced were not severe.

Johor health and environment committee chairman Ling Tian Soon.

Image via Nur Aisyah Mazalan/New Straits Times

The Batu Pahat health department collected food samples and inspected the canteen following the incident

Ling, who is also Yong Peng state assemblyperson, said the laboratory result to determine the cause of the food poisoning will be out this week.

"The investigation is ongoing, and during the closure, the canteen operator must clean up the premises," Bernama quoted him as saying.

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